Exhibition of 40 selected works of first literary festival of Aksnegar

The exhibition of selected works of first Aksnegar Literary and Art Festival, which was opened in the Aftab Gallery of Center for the Intellectual Development of Child and Adolescent in Tehran on 21st of January 2023, is ready to welcome art lovers until 11st of february.
According to Artmag.ir, in this exhibition 40 works (poems and photos) including selected works worthy of appreciation of first Aksnegar Literary and Art Festival have been
.displayed. These works have been judged among 1,500 works received at the secretariat this fall
Aksnegar was one of programs approved by the Cultural Vice-Chancellor of the Center and the title of the competition, which was called with the aim of creating a suitable platform for mutual communication between photography and literature, drawing attention of the audience to the use of the art of photography to create literary works, and encouraging young members of the associations of young photographers, poets and writers. The center for studying and cultivating their creative and searching eyes was published this summer and its topic was old houses, environment, my hero, my family and virtual space.
The participants of this event were children and teenagers over 12 years old, senior members over 19 years old, Kanoon coaches and experts, and free non-Kanoon participants. Separately, they were asked to write poetry or prose and literary pieces for the photos selected by the event secretariat or the works photographed by themselves.
Ansieh Mousavian, director of literary and artistic creations of Kanoon (Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents) said about this exhibition: In today’s world, the coexistence of different arts, new expressive capacities and capabilities He has created a new way to convey thoughts and feelings, and words in combination with other arts, including visual arts such as photography, have gained additional power and capacity.
She explained: In the literary workshops of Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents also sometimes uses photos and images as writing stimuli. Based on this, the management of Kanoon’s literary and artistic creations designed and organized the first “Aksnegar” literary and artistic festival. This festival was held in three sections and for two groups of audiences (Kanoon and non-Kanoon).
Moussovian added: The opening of the exhibition of selected works of this event is one of the special programs of the management for the month of Bahman. On this occasion, this exhibition will be open from 21st of January 2023 to 11st of february this year every day from 9:00 to 17:00.
An exhibition of 40 selected works of the first “Aksnegar” Literary and Art Festival will be held until the end of the Fajr decade at the Aftab Art Gallery of Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents in Tehran.
The selected works of the first literary and artistic festival of the photographer will soon be displayed in the virtual exhibition section of Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents information base.