The true meaning of Art and Artist

By passing through schools and cultural thought styles and with all the definitions that thinkers and philosophers have made of art and art worlds; Art, perhaps because of its return to the human sense and perhaps because of its reliance on intuition and revelation, is very effective in transmitting the inner and esoteric experiences of human life and brings news of liberation that cannot be unlocked by any other key.
Art opens a path in human life that cannot be crossed with a wooden foot of reason and logical logic. Artistic creation has a high value in the spiritual life of man and in this respect, it appears superior and more powerful than the science of logic, philosophy and ethics. And what right does a philosopher and philosophy have to speak of something higher than itself? Is not the philosopher the same as in the prison of philosophy, in the same cave that Plato frightens us with its darkness?
Where the truth can not be known except in the form of shadows on the wall? Is not the artist of that abandoned prisoner of that cave who, with the help of artistic intuition, has become acquainted with the true light of the world and has brought the truth to others, so why should we spend our time reading and debating the kinds of philosophies on the verge of discovery? The truth has stopped?
Artists never really pursue philosophy, they just try to become more proficient in the technique of their work, but what is expressed in the technique and format of their artwork as content if not philosophy?
It is common to divide man into two separate and independent realms: intellect and emotion. Then reason is considered to belong to the realm of reason and art belongs to the realm of feeling and the relation between intellect and feeling is neglected. They have separated the field of action and the field of opinion from each other, and they have created such a huge gap between the two that it can never be filled, while human opinion and action originate, otherwise no action can be attributed to anyone.
Logic cannot be expected not to abstract things from each other and not to give different credentials to reality. The error of work begins when we believe in these credentials and abstractions, which are independent of each other, in originality and truth. This error leads to logic, and science, wisdom, philosophy, politics, and religion, that is, the various manifestations of the one truth, They are validated as independent truths, and their commonality and origin are neglected in principle and origin. It is not a mistake if the apparent intellect suffices to abstract nature from existence, although in the matter itself, existence and nature are the same. But the mistake is to give originality to existence for this credit of pure mind by mistake and to forget that existence and nature are two terms related to logic and philosophy at all, and in the matter itself there is no such thing as nature and independent of existence.
A mistake that seems very strange but unfortunate has happened is that human beings have assumed independent truths for the credentials of their minds, in the external reality. Completely ignoring the fact that these credentials are mental and logical, and the universe, with all its changes and transformations, has a fixed and single truth, and this is the truth that has a complete and perfect manifestation in religion, and in science, philosophy, wisdom, and Art has also emerged in various ways. Thus, comprehensive religion is all the other levels and manifestations of truth, and its relation to science, knowledge, and art is not transverse, but longitudinal.
Artist Definition
Eats that a lover is not to gain and authority
This gift came from the heritage of my nature
An artist is a human being before he is an artist. In any order of existence, man chooses to dwell in and remain attached to it in relation to the time and place remaining according to the manifestation of existence. From here, the aspect of view and the way of seeing and the direction of his visit, according to the settlement and manifestation of existence, finds its existence from the horizon of a specific time and place. In this sense, his image sometimes takes the form of property and sometimes the form of kingdom, and this is the meaning that in the eyes of artists, these worlds appear more than others.
Artists go through every age of the world in which they are present. This world is not just the world of sensations and belongings of the tangible world. Rather, it is a general world against which the artist sees himself. And the esoteric voice reflects it in his artwork. The field of imagination and imagination of the artist, which is rooted in the world of soil, is a perfect magazine for the manifestation of existence and the best manifestation for the emergence of texts on the horizon of mortal time and the rest.
The definition of man as a bridge between earth and sky is a concept that contrasts with the Promethean human concept. The concept that sees man as a rebellious being who rises up against heaven and seeks to assume the role of divinity.
There is a traditional human being in a world that has only one origin and one center, and he is fully aware of that origin. The origin is that it contains the eternal perfection and wholeness that the traditional man wants to pursue, to acquire and to transmit. He lives on a circle that is always aware of its center. And in life, his actions and thoughts are centered on that center. He is the successor of God and is responsible to God for his actions and is the trustee and protector of the earth that has been given to him as a realm.
Provided, of course, that he remains the main character of the earth, created in the form of God, and as a god-like being, who, although he lives in this world, in order to remain immortal, is himself. Traditional man is aware of his role as a joint between the soil and God. And he knows that he is ultimately beyond the realm of Nasut given to him to rule over it and to be aware of the transience of his journey on this planet.
He knows that the throne that calls him to the shore beyond his short earthly journey is somehow shaped by his actions and way of life in the human stage. Unlike the Promethean man, he is a creature of this world (or considers himself a creature of this world). He feels at home on earth. He sees the earth not as a pristine nature that reflects the worldly world, but as an artificial world created by modern man to forget God and his inner truth. Such a person considers life a big store in which he is free to Wander around and choose whatever you like.
* Sources and references are available in the editorial office of Artmag.