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Shirin and Farhad

Khosrow and Shirin’s love life is based on the ups and downs of Khosrow and Shirin, the Armenian prince.

Khosrow Parviz was crowned in 590 AD and officially became emperor. Many things happened during his reign that do not fit in this place. But the married life of this king was an epic in our country that has preserved its place in our history in a beautiful way. Many great poets, writers and historians have written poems about this epic. To be used by future generations, such as the great Ferdowsi, Nezami Ganjavi, Vahshi Bafghi and several other great men.

The interesting thing about this story is that Shirin’s mother, who is the queen of Armenia, warns her daughter to learn from Weiss and Ramin and not to repeat it. The story is in many events such as Weiss and Ramin hundreds of years before Khosrow and Shirin.

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Ferdowsi the Great says: Khosrow, the son of Hormozd IV, had outstanding characteristics from his childhood. He had a well-built body and was tall. He was superior to everyone in terms of knowledge, wisdom and shooting.

According to historians, he could hit a lion with an arrow and knock down a pillar with a sword. At the age of fourteen, by the order of his father, he was entrusted to the great philosopher Bozorgmehr. One night, Khosrow dreamed of his thoughtful and cultured grandfather, Anoushirvan Dadgar, who told him that he had met the love of his life and that he would soon find a new horse named Shabdiz, who is also faster than the storm. He then informed him of his new musician, Barbad, who could make poison poisonous, and that he would soon be crowned emperor.

Ferdowsi says:
Parviz is a wonderful story
You have to learn to hear from me
That as merit and device
Bozorgi, Aurang, Far and Sepah
You can hear it more in the world
If you ask Dana Mahan a few questions
From Turan and from China and from India and Rome
From every country where I live badly
They took him to the king
Shining day and black shepherd

One day, Khosrow heard from his friend Shahpour, who was a worthy artist, about a woman named Mahin Banu who was in the territory of the Armenian government. She hears from her beautiful daughter Shirin that she is a prominent and perfect prince. Shahpour proposes to Khosrow and Khosrow, surprised by his praise, accepts his offer. One day, Shapur takes the idea of ​​Khosrow’s painting to Armenia and acts as a mediator for Khosrow as a friend. Shirin also falls in love with Khosrow by looking at Fartour. Shapur had taken a ring with him to present to the prince if he answered in the affirmative, and he did, and invited Shirin to Ctesiphon Madain in present-day Baghdad, the Sassanid capital.

Shirin Rozi asked her mother for permission under the pretext of hunting and went to Ctesiphon with a fast horse named Shabdiz with her friends. On the way, he encounters a small lake (called the source of life) and stops there due to exhaustion. Shirin takes off her clothes to cool off and goes to the water to swim. According to historians, his sweet face and body were so beautiful and enchanting that the eyes of the sky were filled with tears. Shirin was the leader of her time in the beauty of her face and body and a clear example of a woman from the Aryan generation. In the meantime, Khosrow, who was in a conflict with a man named Bahram Choobin in Ctesiphon (Bahram, who had rebelled against the Shah to seize the throne and minted coins in his name (Bahram VI)). With great advice, Omid or Bozorgmehr leaves the capital for a while.

He therefore instructs his companions at Ctesiphon to receive him kindly if the sweet prince of Armenia comes to visit him. After these events, Khosrow left Ctesiphon on his horse with a large army with the flag of Kaviani, and from the time of Khosrow, he reached the same area that was superior to other areas in terms of greenery and beauty, and Shirin was also there. He was bathing with his naked body.

Shirin thinks to herself, who could be this person who has caused such feelings in him? Undoubtedly, it is only Khosrow who has caught me. But on the other hand, how is it possible for Khosrow Shah Shahan to appear in the plains and farms with such a normal dress and appearance. So he puts on his clothes and rides on his horse and walks away. Khosrow, who had seen his picture by Shapur, recognized him and lost him in the minutes when the sweet beauty had disappeared, and when he searched for him, he did not find him. Khosrow sheds tears from his eyes and blames himself and continues on his way.

Ferdowsi says:
It so happened that one day Parviz Shah
Hemi wished for Nakhchirgah
Biraast Barsan Shahanshahan
Who were in the world before
Choo over three hundred golden horses
They won with Khosrow Niknam
All clothes are yellow, red and purple
Emperor with Kaviani Darfash
Chou hear Shirin that the corps came
Lead the army of that Jahandar Shah
One yellow mesh shirt
Wear it and turn it red

Shirin also arrived in the capital and introduced himself to the court. The women of the court, amazed by her beauty, respected her and guided her. After an hour, Shirin notices the riots in the capital and hears from those around her that Khosrow has left the court for this purpose. At this moment, he realizes that the person he saw in the middle of the road was no one but his mistress Khosrow Parviz.

Meanwhile, Khosrow arrived in Armenia. And he went to see Mahin Banu, the queen of Armenia, and drank wine with her and expressed her sorrow for the lack of sweets. After a few days in Armenia, Khosrow receives a letter from Ctesiphon written by the elders. The text of the letter indicated that Khosrow (Hormozd)’s father had died and that the throne of the country was waiting for him. Khosrow goes to Ctesiphon and after arriving there, he sees that Shirin has left Ctesiphon.

After a while, Shirin returned to Armenia to meet with Khosrow. But they both left the place in one day and did not manage to meet each other. Meanwhile, Bahram Choobin learns about the events of Khosrow falling in love with Shirin, and there it is rumored that the emperor has gone mad from his love and is not able to run the country. After such rumors, revolts took place against the Shah, and as a result of these rumors, Khosrow left the capital again in consultation with the elders and went to Azerbaijan and then to Armenia. And there he meets his mistress. The events of these two lovers cause Shirin’s mother (Mahin Banoo) to warn her daughter to either come to his wife or leave her.

Once again, Shirin warns Shirin of the way Weiss went and warns of its immoral consequences, but she did not know that Rogaz’s hand would figure out exactly the same thing again, and that he could not prevent it from happening. Khosrow also became aware of their words and this caused confusion between them, which eventually left them with Khosrow’s sharp words and went to Constantinople (in present-day Istanbul, Turkey). There, Khosrow asked the Byzantine army for help to quell the revolt of the usurper Bahram Choobineh.

For this he was forced to choose Mary, the daughter of the Roman emperor, to strengthen his family alliance with the emperor and ask him for an army. After the clash between Bahram Choobin and Khosrow, Bahram is defeated and flees to China. And play music in praise of this eternal love. Meanwhile, Shirin Mihanbanu’s mother, who was the king of Armenia, said goodbye to life and the royal crown passed to her daughter Shirin.

But at this time, a person named Farhad, who was known as Farhad Sangtarash, enters the stream. The day Shirin was hunting, she confronted Farhad and Farhad inadvertently fell in love with Shirin and was amazed by her beauty. Farhad did everything he could to reach the Armenian prince, and these efforts were eventually reported to Khosrow. Khosrow spoke to him in the first stage and tried to dissuade him from continuing this path. But Farhad did not accept. Khosrow gave him bags of gold and jewelry to make him forget his sweet thoughts. But Farhad does not accept any of these rewards. Eventually, Khosrow is forced to issue an order that may dissuade Farhad.

* Sources and references are available in the editorial office of Artmag.

Eghamat 24

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