Graphics usage in TV news production and broadcast

We live in an age where speed and expertise are two important indicators. The collapse and fragmentation of major specialties and the updating of the findings and weaves of this day are not far off. Sometimes these specialties are not considered at all and therefore they have been paid less attention. Graphic design for the production and broadcasting of TV news is one of these subtle and invisible specialties, as if it does not exist at all.
Previously, graphics were known in the two fields of art and advertising, and people who worked and were active in it were also called artists or advertisers. But today, with the expansion of applications of this specialty, different definitions have been made and paid for it. When it comes to news graphics in all three forms (print, television, and cyber) these days, we need to know that graphics are no longer just art or advertising. It also has another meaning, and that is the media. Therefore, news graphics are a combination of art and media. A combination that is inseparable.
In this article, we first provide definitions of news and related terms.
The nature of the news
In their daily practice, the media are the scene of debate of insights and the arena of conflict of words and meanings. Contrary to appearances, the media in its news role is not a mirror of events and realities of the social and political world, but rather the creator of social and political realities. And they give life to our perceptions of the world around us. This assumption seems strange at first and may make us hesitant to know our surroundings. But with a little thought, we can realize that the news is not the reality itself and the objectivity of the world around us, but only a story of this reality.
Whether or not there is a reality beyond the scope of the word is not debatable. Rather, this basic knowledge that news is made and dealt with by the human mind, and that this mind is intertwined with cultural beliefs, customs, and norms, is the key to unlocking the mystery of news. News tells us what to think about news and how to think about it.
In addition, news is the product of organized labor that has its own hierarchy, values, and production norms. News arises from the real world, according to cultural norms and news organization, transforms reality and returns to the real world in the form of narrative and story. In this process (observation, other than narration and dissemination), the news gives a natural and objective verdict to the values and norms that have arisen from them and reproduces them in its scope. Despite the claim of enlightenment, news cannot move beyond the general level of its audience because it must be simple and at the level of its audience’s imagination, because it must speak their language and be meaningful from their point of view. As a result, the news acts as a confirmer and recommender of the audience’s more beliefs.
News on TV
News Definition
Providing a comprehensive definition and barrier without relying on previous definitions and the stages of preparing and editing the news has been the main problem of researchers, journalists and university professors. Here are some of the key pointers in moving forward with news definitions.
1- Most definitions of news are descriptive and only describe one or two news items, such as:
News is a report of facts, but not every fact can be called news. In this description, the dimensions of novelty, proximity, surprise and مانده remain reasonable.
2- Some definitions of news are allegorical, such as: If a person bites a dog, it is news. On the contrary, if a person is bitten by a dog, it is not news. Although this news reveals a surprise in the news, it has many shortcomings, even in its allegorical aspect, compared to another example, such as the news of a donkey being killed by a donkey at the Tehran Zoo.
3- Some definitions of news deal with news in a one-dimensional way, after which the stream itself is unaware. So to get rid of such limited and fragile definitions, it is necessary to take a more general view of the news.
4- Another important shortcoming of news definitions is that each of them is used only for one or two types of news. While in journalism, students are introduced to aspects of the news that need to be expressed in the definition of news.
Therefore, with this background, we will deal with several definitions that have been made by experts about news:
Definition of news from the perspective of communication science experts:
– News, awareness. Information, advertisement, knowledge. News is a singular word that is attributed to the beginner in order to make a word with which, when this word is instilled in the addressee, he becomes out of his waiting state and his so-called silence in this case is permissible. (Dehkhoda dictionary)
– The news includes any real action and thought that attracts the attention of a large number of audiences. (Lyle spencer »Lyle spencer)
– The news of real and objective narration of current events is important that is published in the newspaper and is considered by the readers. (S-mully)
– News is a concise and accurate account of an event, not the event itself (Mitchell D. Charnelli, Professor at the University of Sinai, USA)
– News is the regular dissemination of the flow of events and human knowledge and knowledge and the transmission of public opinion. (Fernando-True, President and Professor of the Press Institute of the University of Paris)
– News is awareness that is important to someone, it is transient and perishable news. As soon as an event or situation is understood and the tension arises from it, the accepted awareness becomes history, which of course can be interesting, but it is no longer urgent. No more news. (Shibotani)
News elements on TV
Announcement in expressing interesting social events is well done when the factors and elements influencing the creation of each event are fully searched and presented. In general, any news, however small and short, should be completed in terms of the following factors and elements:
– The person or persons who are involved or involved in the incident or are contacted in some way.
– The subject and type of event means what constitutes the event.
– The cause and motive that caused the incident.
– How it happens, which determines the training and quality of the event.
– The time of occurrence that determines the location of the event historically, day and hour.
– The place of occurrence that determines the situation of the event in terms of location and its distance from other places.
– So if news values shape news, they display news elements of news. So that the more complete the news elements, the more attractive the news form will be in terms of the information it should give to the audience. The constituent elements of news elements are as follows:
Who, what, what? where, when, why? why how.
Increasing the richness of the news is by considering these elements that a comprehensive picture of the event can be conveyed to the viewer.
1- Who (who): Whenever we prepare news, we must know the factors involved in the story of that news, and here in particular, the person or persons of the story who played a role in the emergence and occurrence of the event and introduce them in our news do.
2. What (what) This element is mainly focused on the nature of the event that is to become news. This element and the previous element are usually the most important news elements.
3- Where? : Each event has a place for itself in terms of location. Where the element is important because it identifies the location of the event. Information about the element where, especially if the element is not known, should be provided in more detail. For example, if the location is small and anonymous in the country, the Provide its geographical location.
4- When, when? Event time must be provided for viewers. The viewer must be aware of the time of the event.
5- Why and how? News elements explain why and how analytical and descriptive aspects of events. These two elements are often intertwined with the journalist’s personal views, willingly or unwillingly. And everything that is said about news neutrality, objectivism, and the avoidance of news bias stems from these two elements. In general, the why and how element is mainly used in analytical and descriptive reports and news, the point to be noted here is that there is a direct relationship between news elements and news values as follows:
Who = Fame
What = A lot of surprises
Where = Proximity
When = Recently
And the two elements of why and how have analytical and descriptive value because the viewer does not know why and how the event happened.
News writing styles:
There are 4 types of news writing style in news:
1- Inverted pyramid style
2- Historical Style
3- Historical style with lead
4- Amazing Ending
1- Inverted pyramid style: The abstract and the most important content of the event is placed at the beginning of the news and the least valuable content is placed at the end of it, and each part is adjusted from top to bottom according to their importance. This style is one of the most efficient ways of transmitting information.
2- Historical style: In this style, unlike the inverted pyramid style, the contents are presented in the form of news in the same way as they have been realized in terms of time. In this style, the reporter does not judge. And it does not matter which news or part of the story is more important, to present it in the first paragraph of the news. Thus, in contrast to the inverted pyramid style, the reporter’s comments are largely avoided. And the content is presented in a more complete way.
3- Historical style with lead: Historical style with lead is a combination of inverted pyramid style and historical style. In preparing the news in the form of historical style with the lead, first the summary of the most important content in the form of the lead is placed in the first paragraph of the news. The story or event is then described as it happened, in the order in which the time of the event occurred, in the same historical style.
Amazing ending style: Amazing ending style is one of the sweet styles of journalism. In this style, the story is unlocked at the end of the story and surprises the audience.
News Biases
The role of news bias in changing the minds and opinions of the audience can be very significant in a more or less short period of time. In other words, the bias of news in accordance with the goals and policies of right or wrong news gatekeepers (Gatekeepers News), can lead public opinion and different ideas of society towards such goals.
In other words, we can say that news bias is in line with advertising (negative or positive). The result is that just as propaganda can be an invisible aspect of social surveillance, so can news bias.
But it must be borne in mind that the political and social sham of news gatekeepers supports the proper use of all kinds of bias. Because the inappropriate choice of types of bias in the news has many effects and consequences that the first adverse effect is “invalidation” of the news.
In other words, if news decision-makers and gatekeepers deem the use of news biases necessary (according to established domestic and foreign policies), it is appropriate to refrain from verbal bias as much as possible. And by observing the rule of neutrality and realism and by considering foreign or domestic goals and policies, prefer bias in the news text to other types of bias, especially verbal bias.
Bias is: predictive or emotional views based on superstitions, stereotypes, etc. about people in certain groups or topics that lead to subjective interpretations that are far from objective reality.
There are two types of news biases:
1- Bias in words: Because the language of the news in the news media gives more meaning to the news than the event itself, the words and phrases used in the text of the news are so sensitive and crucial that the language of the news immediately after selecting the news Occurs. So that if the words are not used in their place and accurately, different perceptions and interpretations will be created in the audience. The following are examples of news bias.
– Assault on freedom = threat to the press
– Hate crime = murder
– Intense shooting = bombing
2- Bias in the news text: In some news items, there may not seem to be any kind of biased word. But in the text of the news to create a kind of bias in the mind of the audience, in general, the most biases that can be seen in the news of newspapers, magazines and other mass media. There are six types.
1- Documentary bias 2- Descriptive bias 3- Adverbial bias 4- Textual bias 5- Sentence bias 6- Visual bias
TV News Topics
The news topics covered by the Islamic Republic of Iran TV, based on the study of news published from different sections, are mainly and without any order are summarized in the following 13 headlines:
1- Domestic political news
2- Foreign political news and diplomatic relations
3- Military, defense, war and political violence
4- Economic, commercial, labor, agricultural tests
5- Medical and health news
6- Educational affairs
7- Social news, events and happenings
8- Judicial affairs and law
9- Energy, environment, saving, human rights
10- Sports news
11- Scientific, cultural, artistic and literary news
12- Development affairs
13- Religious news
TV News Features
Television has been called the great phenomenon of the present century, in this means of communication, print, speech, film, color, music, excitement, movement and sound can be used simultaneously to convey the message. Television is a means of communication that, like newspapers, cinema, and radio, has various aspects of entertainment, educational, cultural, and advertising news, and is used in a variety of ways. And in terms of communication and news, television is a new device that at the same time incorporates and uses various techniques of radio, cinema and newspapers. On TV, words carry only part of the sense. The rest is expressed by tone, sound, facial expressions, music, photos, videos or even a pause.
TV news should have similar characteristics, purposefulness, holism and unity of subject matter, and the subject of the news should be determined based on the facts that exist. The choice of subject and research on it, as well as its cultivation and processing requires great care. Structural features of TV news include reports, interviews, and audio-visual effects. TV news uses interviews on a case-by-case basis, and what is certain is that the interviewer or reporter should try to use news sources that dominate the subject matter. In addition to documenting the news, this can increase its effectiveness. In TV news, image diversity, charm. How news images move and how news is edited is very important. In addition, a set of graphic works, slides, computer and camera movements, and the use of archival images can be considered important in news photography. Also, one of the ways to diversify news images is to provide different views.
TV News Features
1- Starting the news on TV
2- The structure of the TV news program
3- News writing for TV
4- How to present TV news
5- Writing TV news
6- News selection criteria
7- Clarity and psychology in journalism
8- TV news graphics
9- Event-oriented and subject-oriented news on TV
10- The influence of various factors in the television news process
11- The difference between news and interpretation and analysis
12- TV news narrator
13- News source on TV
Start the news on TV
Every TV show has special characteristics that make it clear to the viewer from the beginning what the content of the program is, so the beginning of the TV news should have special features in terms of psychology and audience attraction. In the beginning of the TV news, in addition to the news logo section, which has its own artistic, graphic and psychological features, the beginning of the news should also start with the first words that nail the audience and attract it. At the beginning of the radio news, the entrance can be heard with good words and proper performance. But in the TV news, providing this space must be filled with the help of color, movement, sound and image. TV news should start with the most interesting and important part of the news. To overcome the audience’s disregard and encourage them to follow the news.
Therefore, the news summary should be commensurate with the beginning of the news, that is, the volume of the news, and especially its length or shortness, determines the type of news summary or lead. And the basic rule that should always be kept in mind is that the introduction to the news, while containing the essential parts of the news, should be as empty of redundant content and words as possible and should be stated briefly. Leading and starting the news is the most important and regulating the pulse of the story, and with a good and attractive start, the audience’s senses should be hunted, and in general, the following points are important in starting the news:
A) The initial words and phrases should be important and attractive. B) The entry and start of the news, although like the lead are the text of the news, but should be the most interesting point. C) The incoming message is not necessarily the most important part of the news, but it is a piece of news that is more effective than other parts. In other words, at the entrance of the news, they choose the message that can provide the most mental, emotional or emotional exchange for the audience. D) The volume and size of the beginning of the news is not limited. Of course, this volume should be concise and short, but in fact it also depends on the subject of the news.
News Program Structure
A news program consists of 4 elements or factors, each of which has specific applications and tasks related to news presentation.
1- Moving logo (station logo): The station logo or moving logo appears at the beginning of each news section and while announcing the beginning of the news section, it also informs the audience about the type of news (political, sports, art, etc.).
2- Important news headlines of the day: After the station logo, the most important news of the day are presented. The important headlines of the day have a very important task, on the one hand, they have an ideological application, and on the other hand, they signal to the audience to pay more attention to the important news of the day. The ideological application of the headlines of the day lies in the fact that in a news program, various reports and news are shown and the audience in the noisy family environment may miss some news or not pay attention to them. But the most important headlines of the day tell him not to miss the news that is considered important by the news organization and to pay attention to them. But these important headlines have another use as well.
Research has shown that an important part of a news program disappears from the audience’s mind moments after it airs. As mentioned, important headlines at least increase the audience’s attention to these headlines, helping to keep the relevant news in the audience’s mind.
3- News program announcer: News announcer is another very important element of such programs that deals with news in the studio. If the speaker uses the correct methods of presenting the news by using gestures instead of facial features such as eyebrows, narrowing the eyes, smiling and emphasizing through audio changes when introducing the news, on the one hand, the audience’s memory of the broadcast news is increased and On the other hand, their interest in following the news can also increase.
4- News report: News report prepared by a reporter and news teams from the scene of an accident or news event is also another news element and these reports can be presented in a written form in which two audio-visual factors. Used, to attract the attention of the audience, because instead of reading a news item on pictures of a news event, the reporter can interview the witnesses of the story, seek the opinion of experts, and appear on the news scene and speak directly to the audience; Present the news in a pleasant and interesting way that does not make the audience bored.
News writing for TV
The news editor can extract his or her news from a variety of sources, such as telexes and news sites, telephone reports, video images, faxes, and oral sources. After reading the news, the author views the images with a montage or editor. It can be placed on audio images if needed. If a link between image and word is needed, the news writer’s comments should be implemented.
How to present news on TV
The method of presenting the news is in different forms such as news, news report, interview and division.
News: which the speaker reads with or without pictures,
News report: A type of message presentation, which more or less puts the viewer in the position of an objective observer of the occurrence of an incident or the existence of a phenomenon that has a news aspect, is called a news report. A news report may be provided by a person named the reporter, who was present at the physical presence, or accompanied by a speech.
Interview: There are different types of interviews, but here we mean news interviews. In a news interview, the interviewer’s goal is to obtain accurate and specific information from the news source to clarify the topic or news topics of the day. And the adjusted content contains new information that has not been published before.
Commentary: Reporting news and events with the author’s opinion and response to the news element Why? It is called interpretation. By this definition, it can be concluded that the author expresses his opinion in the interpretation of events and merely presents his opinion about the intended event.
TV News Writing:
Writing news for TV requires special abilities and skills, those who work in TV news should be familiar with the techniques and features of news writing. One of the most important features that news editors should pay attention to is complete mastery of the subject of news and familiarity with news techniques. TV journalists should study and be aware of news angles from different angles. Without mastering the subject of the news, it is not possible to prepare and adjust the appropriate news from the background of an event. Other features of news writing include spelling, spelling, روان summary, simplification, and the selection of appropriate words and phrases. Language is the means by which human beings communicate with one another. Therefore, when writing news, you should follow the rules and grammar. And select the news item correctly and write it according to the grammar.
NewsSelection Criteria:
The mass media, especially television news, must choose between the galaxies of news data that appear daily on telex news sites. The first step in news work is to select events that have happened and will happen.
In the short time of television broadcasting, because it is accompanied by images, it is not possible to report all the events, this is where the issue of news selection arises. What news we choose to broadcast and select is directly related to news values and elements. And these news values differ in many societies. News values are like a pyramid that requires hierarchy in news selection. These values include: Inclusion, Reputation, Encounter, Exceptions and Surprises, Size and Frequency, Number and Quantity, Proximity and Novelty, This Weekly News Value is unique and can cover aspects of news value.
Fluency and clarity in news writing:
The journalist should choose a word that has the meaning and purpose to write a good news, the following principles must be observed.
1- Proportion to the requirements of the time
2- Coordination with the needs of the audience
3- Selection in the axis of succession and companionship
4- Avoiding obligation
Psychology and clarity actually mean that we avoid the two plagues of complexity and populism and superficiality. And what people use every evening in their daily speech and transactions is completely written down.
Event-oriented and process-oriented (thematic) news on TV:
There are two main axes in the reflection of news content, one is event orientation and the other is news orientation or subjectivism. A successful reporter is someone who transforms mere information about an important event into more information. To form the axis of the news from the event to the subject and process. In the development and pivotal process of news, the reporter or reporter explores the backgrounds and origins of an event and its effects and consequences in society and in people’s lives from all angles. The reporter or reporter must observe the principle of subjectivism and process orientation of the news both in selecting and processing the news.
Event-oriented news is news that is related to specific events or topics such as meetings and openings and statements and meetings. Event-oriented news only seeks to plot an event, not its content, causes, contexts, and roots.
But process-oriented or subject-oriented news is complex news that goes beyond a single, isolated report or issue to convey a systematic, systematic, and comprehensive understanding. Such as reports on the consequences of a government’s performance.
The influence of various factors in the television news process:
Every event that happens has inherently news values that are embedded in the nature of the event. And these values are always fixed, objective and unchangeable. But what is broadcast as news in the mass media, and especially on radio and television, is the result of the influence of various factors that show the reality in relative terms. That is, news is shaped by media policy. And are subject to change. From the moment of the event to the moment of broadcasting the news, individuals and institutions are involved in selecting and selecting the news and make decisions, and therefore the event that has passed through various filters to the headline of the broadcast news and reaches the audience. While the news values of the event seem to be the determining factors in presenting the news of an event, there are other factors that play an overt and covert role.
1- Intra-organizational factors: which include applying the opinion of the management of the institute explicitly and implicitly, socializing the employees of the news institute according to social, political, economic, religious, cultural criteria and values, applying the personal opinion of the reporter based on beliefs, attitudes , His beliefs, the technical tools of the news media as well as time.
2- External factors: Factors that affect the news process from outside the organization, including legal restrictions, influence of natural and legal persons, news sources (Public sarce), public relations, news agencies
(News Agencey) Owners of capital and advertisements, pressure groups, media audiences, etc.
Difference between news and interpretation:
The New Journalism Journal discusses the differences between news and interpretation:
News is a report of objective facts. An event must happen with news features in order to be worth reporting, which is why in journalism, the event is reported as it happened, not as the editor-in-chief or anyone else would like. happen.
The aspect of mental evaluation and personal judgment about news events is called interpretation and commentary. The commentator or commentator comments on an event that may have been reported separately. And in his writings, he expresses his inference, thought, personal judgment and reasoning.
Analysis is the true description of an event without the author commenting. The author usually links the information gathered from various sources and the historical background of the event, trying to identify the cause and motive as well as how the event occurred. And in fact to the elements of “why?” And “how” answers together.
TV News Narrator
The newscaster represents the cultural ideals of the society so that it can be accepted as a mediator, or in other words, the audience considers his / her statements as true and believes the presented news. A good and professional speaker, in addition to having such characteristics, should be able to present news in a correct and professional manner by using tone changes, emphasizing keywords and using voice cues to gain credibility and prestige among the audience. Expand. Therefore, it is obvious that news narration is the most important tool of news program closeness to the audience.
News sources on TV
In general, knowing the source of the news and having knowledge about it, both when preparing the news and when broadcasting the news is of particular importance. This issue has been addressed in discussions of psychology and changing attitudes. That the messages that are produced and disseminated in order to influence people’s tendencies do not have the same effect. Rather, there are factors that increase the effectiveness of these messages. Or prevents their impact. One of the factors that influence the message in the audience is the issue of the source of the message. The source of the message, which is one of the important factors in changing the orientation, has several angles. These angles are: trust in the resource, attraction of the resource and power of the resource
Media News Sources
In any media, the following eight items can be mentioned as news sources:
1- Journalists: Journalists, based on their understanding, knowledge and studies of their surroundings, suggest news on various topics as needed.
2- Editors: Based on their knowledge and studies of society, they are the source of the news.
3- News managers: Based on the needs of society and the media and knowledge of the national and transnational situation, they order the preparation of news.
4- Other media: Media is also considered as a source of news for journalists. And the press and radio and television usually use each other’s news.
5- Organizations, departments and institutions are among the news sources.
6- Database: Database is a reliable and fast source for providing information.
7- Public Relations
8- People
Visual Arts
Visual arts are on the axis, on one side of which is Apply Art and on the other side is Fine Art. The most practical branch of visual arts; Industrial and graphic design and their most artistic branches are painting. New branches have emerged in the visual arts such as installation, performance, video art and audio art, which have a more artistic aspect. Among the applied branches of visual arts, graphics have a greater presence and efficiency in television media, and with the advent of postmodern technologies, this efficiency and presence becomes more tangible and tangible.
Definition of Graphics
Graphics are any image message that has the intention of reproduction in its essence. This definition includes the three axes “message”, “image”, and “reproduction”, and the term graphic title is appropriate for a work that has these three main elements at the same time. The “message” element is the main feature of a graphic work that is different from other similar categories such as painting. The presence of this element causes the work to communicate with the audience. Another element is the “image”, the existence and presence of this element has made graphics one of the visual arts. “Reproduction” is the third element that, although it deals more with the technical issues of the work, but is the main factor in establishing a relationship between the work and the audience.
Differences in graphics and painting
Contemporary world graphics, with its 100-year history, initially had no noticeable boundaries with painting. In fact, the first graphic works arose from the works of Futurist, Expressionist, Fauxite and… painters. Over time, the differences between the two arts took on a global form, and today it is not difficult to distinguish these differences. The main differences are:
A. Painting is always art, but graphics are sometimes art and sometimes media.
Every painting in any genre and style that has been created is a work of art that, by considering creativity and innovation, intensifies and weakens the degrees of this art. But a graphic work is not always called a work of art. But depending on the function and application, sometimes it takes other definitions. Hence graphics are sometimes art and sometimes media. Where the creation of a work is based on the needs of the audience, the graphic becomes the medium, and when the graphic work is created independent of the wishes of the audience, the definition of art applies to it.
B- Painting is a personal art and graphics is a communication and public art. The creator of a painting can break all standards, boundaries and definitions and create new definitions for each work. Because he acts according to his mental, personal and desired menus and does not consider himself obliged to be understood by everyone. On the contrary, the creator of the graphic work must pay attention to public understanding and evaluate his work to see if the audience can understand his work in the direction he wants, and that is why it is important for him to know the level of knowledge and awareness of the audience. Is. For example, a painter can imagine a meadow in purple and a sun in blue, but a graphic artist is not allowed to break such definitions, so his sun is always yellow or orange.
C. Graphics should be able to communicate with the audience, but painting is not required. Graphics try to convey the message element to its audience because of its usefulness. In fact, the graphic effect must be able to establish such a connection. But painting, because it is personal and desirable, not only does not have such a purpose, but it is the viewer of the painting who must try to communicate with the painting. In general, the effort to communicate in graphics is the responsibility of the work itself, but in painting it is the responsibility of the audience.
D: Graphics are made for the purpose of reproduction, but painting is not. The graphic work should be published in appropriate numbers in pursuit of its purpose (communication with the audience) and the graphic work as a single copy is never called a graphic work, but the painting is created in only one copy. The painting is usually displayed in museums and galleries and is viewed by spectators and audiences. That this principle is about inverted graphics and this is a graphic work that goes to the audience.
Visual Alphabet:
Visual language, like written language, is made up of a specific alphabet. As we have letters, words and grammar in written language, in the image we are faced with the following items as the alphabet.
1 – point: is the smallest surface that lacks length, width and height. In visual art, when a dot is mentioned, it means something that has color, opacity or light, size and sometimes mass, and at the same time is tangible and visible. From this point of view, there is apparently no similarity between this concept of point and what is called point in mathematics. Because in mathematics, a point is a mental subject that can be imagined in space or on a screen, without being visible or touchable. But this mental concept is determined when they want to be demonstrated using an effective tool. Which in this case will become a visual point. Like showing the center of a circle, or the intersection of two line segments. The visual point may be created by an impact tool, such as the effect of a pencil or brush, or the pressure and impact of something hard on a surface, or like a light spot on a dark surface, and vice versa.
The point has different types such as round, triangle, quadrilateral, polygon and.. Another point is about its relative point. This means that a small circle is a point in a large box, but the same circle becomes a surface when placed in a box that fits itself.
2 – Line: If the point moves in one direction (length, width or height), it forms the line.
In everyday life and in nature, the line has a significant presence. In other words, we live every day with its various lines and manifestations. There are various examples in this regard. Line drawings on clothes and carpets under our feet, rows of chairs in the exam hall, lines of bricks arranged along the walls, and so on. The variety of examples and examples shows itself. The visual line is the relative meaning of the line. And it shows a continuous movement on the surface or in space. For example, a moving train can be seen from a distance as a continuous line. Whereas when we travel by train and are inside it, we no longer have this visual perception. Therefore, recognizing and visualizing the visual line is conditional on the extent to which, at what distance, and from which point of view we place the visual elements in a visual composition. The line that is drawn along the points in one direction. There are different types:
A “straight” line that is vertical or horizontal. The vertical line is full of visual energy, instead the horizontal line is static and evokes silence, stagnation and silence.
The “oblique” line is another type that is unbalanced and the eyes of the audience expect to fall or reach the peak at any moment. The “broken” line is dynamic and energetic. Just as our hands feel pain and disgust from touching the blade of a knife or saw. Our eyes also feel pain and tiredness from seeing broken lines. A “curved” line is the last type of line that, depending on the direction of its curvature, also directs its gentle energy.
3- Surface: Whenever the points start to move both in the direction of length and in the direction of width, as a result of their movement, a surface appears. In nature and around us, there are surfaces in various forms and states. The surface of things in nature is sometimes smooth and sometimes uneven and has different textures and roles. All surfaces come in three geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, or a combination of both. These shapes are commonly known to all, and while they appear to be simple levels, they have readable properties.
* Sources and references are available in the editorial office of Artmag.