Havu (Rival Wife) novel was published

Salman Khorshidi’s novel “Havu” about the impact of war on human relations was published.
According to ISNA, this book is published in 197 pages with a price of 45,000 Tomans by Neshaneh Publishing.
Introducing the novel “Havu”, it is stated: This book, which deals with the events of the 60’s, war and its effects on people’s lives, is the first work of Salman Khorshidi and the life story of a woman named Mehri, whose wife Habib goes to the front with a sudden decision. His absence changes his cold and dark relationship with Mehri, but this relationship turns into a conflict between doubt and certainty with news from the south.
Salman Khorshidi, the author of this book, was born on November 23, 1984 in Tehran. He began his career as a student making animation and then screenwriting and filmmaking. Before him, the book “From Idea” was published, the subject of which is ideation in the development of the script.
In parts of this novel, we read: “Manouchehr greeted me and I answered him. I was still on the steps of the corridor, doubly surprised by the return of Habib and this uninvited guest. I thought that people’s names are a strange opening for things they never have a way out of; We had not seen a beautiful face of this Manouchehr (Minouchehr), nor the dignity of this noble Sir, nor a lover who was everything but my lover, and this is a painful story from the distance of what the parents like and what we become.
Solving the riddle of Habib’s departure had involved me more than his departure. An answer that I might not have been able to calm down until I got it. I did not find the story simple and Habib could not simplify it for me and maybe he did not want to. Whatever it was, in the field of confrontation between me and the riddle, I had already failed. But I have no doubt that solving this problem would take me to a new stage of life, and perhaps this change had already begun. I have not felt this curiosity for a long time and I owe it to Habib. “Some are dearer than they are.”