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Visual Arts

Announcement of details of the 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival

The call for the 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival (Golden Touba) was announced by the festival headquarters.

 According to the public relations of the 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival, the call for the 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival (Golden Touba) with the approach of “Dialogue of Arts; “Creating a new visual with an interdisciplinary perspective” was published.

The text of this call states:
“All Iranian visual artists, researchers and academics, art associations, organizations, art centers, galleries and activists in the field of visual arts are invited to this celebration; “13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival.”

The objectives of the festival are announced in the call as follows:
Encouraging artists towards contemporary ways of creating works in the context of visual arts.
Introducing and showing examples of the best and latest works of Iranian artists and showing creative artistic achievements.
Creating a space for dialogue among the people of the country’s visual arts community.
Creating the ground for the growth of contemporary Iranian art.
Creating opportunities to raise the awareness and art of Iranian artists.

The Fajr Visual Arts Festival Policy Council announced: The festival will be held in 10 artistic disciplines of illustration, calligraphy, ceramics, photography, caricature and cartoon, graphic design, sculpture, painting, painting and new artistic media (video art, performance art and layout). Interested artists can submit their works in the mentioned fields according to the rules of the festival.

The call for free speech to enable the creativity of artists, as well as the festival’s approach, states that “the distinction between contemporary art and earlier art is not due to calendar differences and the time period of creation, but due to characteristics. It is unique. These features led to the emergence of a set of new artistic media and the continuation of the creation of works in these media and the theoretical focus on the formation of works of art led to the spread of contemporary approaches in classical media such as painting, sculpture and …. In the previous edition of the Fajr Festival of Visual Arts, the focus was on the media feature of contemporary art, which opened new windows in the form and manner of artistic expression, redefining and redefining the boundaries of artistic media definitions in most cases. The approach of this period of the festival will be on another feature of contemporary art, and that is the “Axis Audience”.

In contemporary art, the audience rises from the position of the mere viewer to the position of creator of the work, at two levels of participation in the process of creating and reading the work of art. In this way, the role of the audience in the formation of the work will be found from the beginning of the creation of the work of art and will continue until the end of its life and thus the relationship between the “artist”, the “work of art” and the “audience” changes from a one-way to an interactive relationship at various levels. “What, why and how of this relationship are the questions to which the answers play an essential role in constructing the formal and conceptual body of the final work and the way the artist expresses it.”

The headquarters of the Fajr Festival of Visual Arts invites artists to pay attention to the following suggestions in creating their work:

– Paying attention to the general characteristics of contemporary art and in particular the “inter-media approach” and “audience-oriented”
– Defining the relationship between “artist”, “work of art” and “audience”
– Paying attention to the role of the audience in the formation of the work of art
– Focus on the ways of reading the work of art with the focus on the audience
– Using the capacity of other art media
– Refer to cultural and artistic backgrounds

Terms and conditions for submitting works are as follows:
The technique and method of presenting the work is free.
Registration, company application and sending pictures of the works are possible only through the festival website at
Artists in the fields of photography and new arts, for more information, refer to the specialized invitations of these two fields on the festival website.
In the fields of painting, painting and calligraphy, the maximum size of one side of the works is 200 cm.
The maximum space available in the exhibition for works in the fields of sculpture, ceramics, photo collections and new arts is a maximum of 300 x 300 x 300 cm.
In the field of photography, artists can participate with works in the form of single photos or a collection; The festival is responsible for preparing the works for presentation.
In the field of graphic design, only posters are accepted. Artists must submit a 70 x 100 cm jpg file to the festival site. The festival is responsible for preparing the works for presentation.
In the fields of caricature and illustration, artists must send a 50 x 70 cm jpg file to the festival site. Participants can, if they wish, submit their original works to the festival secretariat after judging. The dimensions of the submitted works are free.
The size of each file sent in all fields is at least one and at most six megabytes in jpg format.
Artists can upload a summary of artistic backgrounds (up to 300 words) and a picture of three of their previous works on the site. It should be noted that sending these items is not required.
If necessary and in order to help better understand the work of art in the judging stage, applicants can submit their artistic statement (Statement) to describe the idea of ​​the work (up to 300 words) when registering. It should be noted that sending this text is not required (except in the field of new arts and photo collections in the field of photography).

Acceptance and selection of works is done in two stages:
In the first stage, the works file is reviewed and in the second stage, the original works are presented to the festival and the final selection is made.
In the fields of illustration, photography, graphic design and caricature, there is no need to send the original works in the second stage and the selection for the exhibition is done in one stage.
In presenting the original works in the second stage of selection, the quality of presentation and display of works (Passepartout, frame, print, etc.) is of special importance.

 The terms and conditions of participation in the festival according to the policy council are as follows:
Participation in the festival is free for all artists and enthusiasts and means accepting the rules and votes of the jury.
Each artist can only participate in two disciplines with a maximum of 3 works of art in each discipline.
Submissions should not have been exhibited at previous Fajr Visual Arts Festivals.
The winners of the 25th, 26th and 27th youth visual arts festivals, the 11th and 12th Fajr visual arts festivals, the 5th biennial of calligraphy and the 11th biennial of ceramics, after registering on the festival website, their works without initial selection and with The coordination of the secretary will go directly to the exhibition and after the screening, along with other works selected for this period of the festival, the final judging will take place.
The artist is responsible for sending and transporting the work to the exhibition and receiving it after the end of the exhibition.
The secretariat of the festival will have the right to use the works in the media, cultural advertisements and performances inside and outside Iran, mentioning the name of the artist.
The festival secretariat will not be responsible for any damage to the works sent by mail. (Breaking glass, breaking the frame, damaging the original effect, etc.)
Decisions on unforeseen issues are the responsibility of the festival secretary.
How to hold the festival is subject to the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the Corona Headquarters.

The Policy Council of the Fajr Festival of Visual Arts has also considered awards for the selected individuals. In each category, according to the jury, a selected person and a statue of the Golden Touba, a plaque of honor and a cash prize of 150 million rials will be awarded.

10 selected artists considering the relevant points for the study trip at the Cite des Arts in France, they are introduced to the Council for the Selection of Artists to be sent on this study tour in accordance with the rules, conditions and schedule of the General Directorate of Visual Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
In each category, one person will be honored and a plaque of honor and a cash prize of 50 million Rials will be awarded.
All artists selected for the exhibition will be awarded a certificate of participation and a festival book.
All artists selected for the festival will become members of the Institute for the Development of Contemporary Visual Arts.

The pillars of the 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival are as follows:
Festival President: Hadi Mozaffari / Policy Council: Mohsen Hassanpour, Ebrahim Haghighi, Amir Rad, Seyed Massoud Shojaei Tabatabai, Bahman Sharifi, Taher Sheikh ol Hakmaei, Habibollah Sadeghi, Ali Ashraf Sandoughabadi, Farzad Faraji, Ali Ghalamsiah, Jasem Ghazbanpour, Hassan Morizinejad / Secretary: Ali Ashraf Sandoughabadi / Artistic Secretary and Curator of the Handprint Exhibition: Ahmad Vakili / Executive Secretary: Abdolrahim Siahkarzadeh

The sections of the Fajr Visual Arts Festival in the thirteenth period are also announced as follows:
Exhibition of selected works of the festival (Golden Touba).
Exhibition of a selection of works presented in the country’s galleries (Charsove Honar).
Calling articles and holding specialized conferences.
Celebrating the luminaries of the visual arts.

Festival Calendar:
Announcing the call and starting the registration through the site: Wednesday, 21 October
Deadline for registration on the site: Sunday, 3 January 2021 (up to 5 pm)
Preliminary selection of works: 6 to 13 January 2021
Announcement of the results of the initial selection: 13 January
Receive selected works from artists: 20 to 24 January
Final selection of works: 25 to 30 January
Announcement of the final results of the winners of the exhibition: 31 January
Exhibition preparation, arrangement and installation of works: 20 January to 6 February
Opening: Saturday, 6 February
Closing: Thursday, 18 February

Event Place:
Academy of Arts, Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute
Artists can contact the permanent secretariat of the Fajr Festival of Visual Arts by the following ways: Tehran, North Kargar St., above Keshavarz Blvd., Sadoughi St., No. 17 / Tel: +092166946910 and +092166946911

The 13th Fajr Visual Arts Festival will be held in February 2021.

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