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Ehteram Boroumand and the sculpture of artists in the Garden of Art

These days, when many cultural and artistic programs have been shut down due to the spread of the deadly Corona virus, the publication of a few photos in cyberspace of the sculptures of some of our country’s famous artists has caused a lot of criticism.

According to ISNA, recently, pictures have been published that some municipal officials and, of course, the city council have installed a number of our country’s artists in the space in front of the House of Iranian Artists by attending the Art Garden, a discussion of how necessary this event was at this time. But the most important issue is the quality of these sermons. So that most of them do not bear much resemblance to that artistic figure, and without reading the name of that figure, it is not possible to identify which artist this sardis is.

Recently, pictures have been published showing that some municipal officials and, of course, the city council have installed sculptures of a number of our country’s artists in the space in front of the Iranian Artists’ House by attending the Art Garden. But the most important issue is the quality of these sculptures. So that most of them do not have much resemblance to that artistic figure and without reading the name of that figure, it is not possible to identify which sculpture this artist is.

One of these sardis belongs to Davood Rashidi, who may be more similar to this artist than a number of others. However, we talked about the whole story with Ehteram of Boroumand, the artist’s wife.

Boroumand says in this regard: In a situation where many people are involved in corona, economic hardships and a thousand and one other problems, it is a little difficult to talk about issues such as quality and how many and sardis of artists.

The artist continues: “Unfortunately, we are going through difficult days.” On the one hand, a large number of people, especially those who are economically weaker, have contracted the disease, and on the other hand, the news of the death of one of our colleagues makes us bitter every day. But these sardises are also a corner of our lives in Tehran and Iran, and there are points about their construction that may have consequences.

He welcomes the installation of sardis and statues of influential figures in various cities, adding: “It is in itself a beautiful custom to install statues or statues of influential figures in each city.”

Boroumand explains: It is a good thing to pay attention to the famous figures of our country, but to do such a thing that has good intentions behind it and thought, budget and energy are spent on it, a correct and professional process must be followed to have acceptable results.

He talks about recent headlines are installed in front of the House of Iranian Artists. While it is necessary for the character of that face to be quite evident in his head, because each character has certain characteristics that are visible in his face and can be the look, smile or frown of that particular face.

Boroumand emphasizes: in order for the construction of the sardis to take place properly, the builder must either be very familiar with that face, or do enough research about him, examine his works, and most importantly, from the first day. Be in touch with the family or a relative of that character, because when the construction of the sardis reaches a certain point, it is no longer possible to make major changes in it.

Emphasizing that it is necessary to entrust the construction of sardis and sculptures of prominent figures to capable artists, the artist explains: It is a pleasure for young artists to work in this field, but on the condition that a professional process is formed and with consultation and assistance. Masters of sculpture and visual arts.

He adds: “We do not know on what basis the construction of sardises is entrusted to the sculptors, but I wish it was based on the sculptor’s special interest, closeness and feeling to that artist.”

Ehteram Boroumand emphasizes in the end: it is not too late to make up for the mistake and some of these sermons that do not look like their owners can be discarded and re-entrusted to those who are sure of their work. It is good for the officials to use the opinions of their advisors and build new sardises with more reflection and obsession. Whenever a person tries to correct his mistake, not only is there no problem, but he is also very good.

Eghamat 24

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