Notable presence of women of “Iran Counties” at 40th Fajr Music Festival

A member of the selection council of the 40th Fajr International Music Festival said: “This year’s festival will witness a significant presence of women active in the field of Counties music; talented women who are both dedicated to originality and educated in music.”
According to, quoted by IRNA, Peyman Bozorgnia stated: “My concern is the music of the Iranian counties and the Iranian peoples, and I believe that this type of music is the national music of Iran, and the two are not separate. Because the music of the Iranian counties is an inseparable part of the culture of our country, but over the years it has not been valued as much as it should be, perhaps especially in the performance sector.”
He said: “Given the current musical tastes of our country, it is necessary to take a more serious look at the music of the Counties and the Iranian people, and the Fajr International Music Festival is a great opportunity for this to happen.”
Bozorgnia added: “Another point is that the secretary, chairman, and executive director of this edition of the festival are concerned about the music of the Counties, and undoubtedly this year, in the 40th edition of this event, we will witness good things in the music of the Counties.”
A member of the selection council of the 40th Fajr International Music Festival said: My effort is to attract all segments of society to the music of the Iranian counties, based on their originality and traditions. The music of the Iranian regions must first become popular in the region where these songs were born. Fortunately, people are interested in counties music, and my experience over the years is that this type of music has not been well received and has not been supported by producers.
This music researcher said: My idea is that a number of artists and groups who do not have a podium or space to perform should participate in this edition of the Fajr Music Festival, although we tried to make this happen in 2016 and 2017, and a number of Iranian ethnic music groups that are popular with the audience attended, and along with them, veterans of that region were also invited as a pleasant event. It is also very important to address the youth.
Bozorgnia stated that women’s activities in the field of Iran Counties music are her concern and said: “The visibility of women active in this field is my concern, and with the election of the Deputy Minister of Artistic Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Ms. Nadereh Rezaei, who is concerned about women’s activities, this expectation has increased, and the motivation of women has also increased to the same extent and they are interested in participating in the festival; talented women who both deal with originality and are educated in music, so I promise that very good things will happen with their presence in the festival.”
Regarding the impact of the international title on the visibility of Iranian ethnic music artists, she added: “During the periods when I was present at this festival as a consultant to the Counties music department, this event was taking shape and it was very effective in the visibility of these artists. Many of these music groups that are currently holding concerts and have attracted large audiences have come to the stage from this Fajr International Music Festival. This year, musical groups from the regions have been invited to participate, and it is gratifying that this is also the concern of the organizers of this festival.
According to Bozorgnia, the Fajr International Music Festival is for Iran, and the sense of patriotism and national unity of the Counties music community, especially in the women’s section and other sections, has spread and been welcomed, and they are interested in participating in this festival.
Bozorgnia stated: Our country’s radio and television does not pay attention to Counties music as it should, and perhaps not. Accordingly, the only organization or media that can pay special attention to this issue is the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and in the form of the Counties Music Festival and Fajr Music, it can meet the expectations of the Counties music community, and this presence will be a hope for the future.
The 40th Fajr International Music Festival, under the secretaryship of Reza Mahdavi, chaired by Ahmad Sadri, and executive managed by Mohammad Ali Marati, with the efforts of the Deputy of Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and in cooperation with the Office of the Guided Music Office, the Iranian Music Association, and the Rudaki Cultural and Artistic Foundation, will be held from February 11 to 17 this year in Tehran and the provinces of Iran.