Parviz Pourhosseini died

According to his son, Parviz Pourhosseini died at the hospital at 3 am today, Friday, 27th November .
The late actor was recently hospitalized due to the Covid-19 virus and transferred to the intensive care unit, until the efforts of the medical staff and doctors to treat him were unsuccessful, and Parviz Pourhosseini passed away.
Master Pourhosseini was born in 1320 and in his career he has acted in more than 100 films, theaters and serials in collaboration with famous directors such as Ali Hatami, Bahram Beizai, Hamid Samandarian, Masoud Kimiaei, Peter Brook, Arbi Avansian, Ali Rafiei, Ahmad Reza Darvish, Davood Mirbagheri and Kamal Tabrizi.