The Game “Book Theater Shadow” takes the performing arts home

The “Book Theater Shadow” is an idea for a group play based on a shadow play presented by a director of children’s and adolescent plays, and his design is among the highlights of the third Free Toy Idea event.
This cultural event has been held for several years by the General Directorate of Creative Entertainment and Computer Games of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults so that creative young people and those interested in designing Iranian games can present their ideas and support the industry to produce this
In the meantime, the ceremony of introducing the best and selected ideas of the third period of this event was held in November 2016 in Tehran, and out of 160 ideas received by the secretariat and 39 ideas reached the final stage, 11 top ideas of this event were introduced, ideas that promise more production and quality. It was a variety of games by creative Iranian youth.
Seyed Arash Sharifzadeh, who has 30 years of experience in performing plays for children and adolescents and has staged plays in different parts of Iran, both in theaters and on the mobile trailer of the center – based on this experience, the idea of making a group play Presented the title of “Book Theater Shadow” to the Free Idea Center event and his idea was selected by the judges as one of the winners of this national event.
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He explained: “Children and teenagers can play this game with adults and experience happy and fun moments.” This device (Book Theater Shadow) is designed using the example and technique of puppet show in Iran and the world, ie the method of “shadow on a white screen” and its package consists of simple components such as the main page of the game that opens as a book, shadow puppets with baton , Additional batons for making dolls using the child’s creativity and with the help of parents and educators, background pages to create a play space along with a book including three short plays, light source and a brochure on how to use the game.
Sharifzadeh said that this game can be played in different places and in it, both parents can plays for children and children for their peers and parents, said: In this game, using different puppet show techniques And its simple construction such as techniques of puppet (cotton), baton, shadow, glove, jaw, etc., the actors present the play and it can be used to develop creativity and happiness of children and adolescents.
The veteran actor and director of puppet shows, emphasizing the importance and impact of the play on educating children and referring to his travels with the Kanoon Theater mobile trailer to remote parts of the country for many years, added: “Many children in different parts of the country have no access to the theater.” And they do not watch theater. By producing this idea, we can take the play inside the houses so that the children can play with their own creativity, and even parents and educators can solve many of the problems that children have at home, such as not sleeping early, eating whole. Reduce or at least eliminate food, personal belongings, playing too much with the computer, and being overly present in cyberspace, and so on.
According to him, in addition to creating an entrepreneurial atmosphere for the people, the production of this device is also up-to-date in terms of educational load in scientific and religious subjects and educational techniques. it can be used in educational centers such as kindergartens and schools.