Conditions of handicrafts in Corona era

A handicraft expert believes that the field of handicrafts and traditional arts has no advocates, and that most of those in charge are more paid than advocates of the field and its artists.
In an interview with ISNA, Fereydoun Mirzalo, former director general of the Office for Training and Support of Handicraft Production, said about the situation of handicrafts in the days of Corona and the lack of suitable conditions for proper supply of handicraft products and the need to support artists and activists in this field. Most manufacturers in remote areas have either shut down or are struggling to access the market. However, many artists and producers looked at exhibitions that were held nationally in different provinces or in Tehran, but this is no longer possible.
He continued by stating that “there was a commercial problem in the field of handicrafts before Corona”: “According to the statistics that are announced, and incidentally, there is room for reflection and they say: We have 500,000 handicraft activists in the country, the total number of people who could and participated in the exhibitions was about 500. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no clear and correct plan for business.
Believing that Corona has worsened the situation in the field of handicrafts, the handicraft expert noted: You may not believe that the number of handicraft experts in the handicrafts department is not equal to the number of fingers on one hand, and it is not clear on what criteria decisions are made. Therefore, in such circumstances, one can not expect correct and accurate planning; Especially in a situation where the body of this field is disappearing and it seems that no one cares.