Art must give cultural homogeneity to the nations of the world

In a message at the opening of the international event of Iran Craft Week, the head of the ECO Cultural Institute emphasized: “If the goal of art is the salvation of human beings, ‘cultural pride’ will be replaced by ‘cultural homogeneity’ and instead of “strengthening the borders and distance of nations”, it presents “cultural borderlessness” to the nations of the world.
According to the ECO Cultural Institute, Sarvar Bakhti added in this message to the event of Iran Craft Week: “From this perspective, cultural heritage and traditional arts, the way to revive the common cultural life of nations as connecting points on the cultural map of all countries remains clear to us.” He said that by joining them, building solidarity among craftsmen around the world in the near future will not remain a dream.
As the President of the ECO Cultural Institute, I extend my hand of friendship and devotion to you, the great ones, and I declare that in today’s world, in spite of all the dangers, we are closer than ever, and our gratitude for this closeness is growing except by passing “cultural pride”. Collective movement towards “cultural homogeneity” is not possible.
He added: “I take this opportunity to invite the high-ranking officials to attend and accompany the first international eco-art conference focusing on handicrafts and traditional arts, which will be held in the near future by the ECO Cultural Institute, to meet again.” Let’s look for more commonalities and reach out from the 500 million people in the area of civilization of the Eco region, build a bridge to the realization of the “common cultural life of the nations of the world.” Hoping to see you again in the enchanting world of handicrafts.
In the opening virtual meeting of this international event, in addition to Sarvar Bakhti, President of ECO Cultural Institute, domestic and foreign personalities such as Ali Asghar Monsan, Minister of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pouya Mahmoudian, Deputy Minister of Handicrafts and Traditional Arts, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Industries Handicrafts and Tourism, officials from World Crafts Council also spoke.
Iran International Craft Week starts on June 10 and continues until June 16.