The Melee of Design and Color in Original Art of Persian Carpet

Carpet weaving is one of the main Iranian arts that flourished in the past, carpets that were woven by the hands of the artists of this land with a world of designs and colors and decorated the houses.
In the past, rug holders had a special place in many houses, sheep wool, after being turned into yarn, was placed in the warp and weft of carpets and displayed beautiful patterns on the rug frame.
This art was also effective in the economy of families, so that in addition to the duties of motherhood and wifehood, women sat next to the housework of the hour with rugs and within a few periods produced carpets and helped with the sale of it in the family economy.
Sometimes there was no map and pattern in the preparation of these carpets, and everything that could eventually be seen from a carpet was designs derived from the mind of the carpet weaver, who had carefully and delicately carved these roles on the carpet.
Over time and with changes in the process of life, carpet wefts have not been spared from the dust of oblivion, while carpet production and supporting the carpet weaving industry can play a very prominent role in creating employment and prosperity of the economy.
More than 3 million square meters of carpets are produced annually by carpet weavers of IRAN, carpets that are very outstanding in terms of quality, design and color among the carpets produced in the world, this capacity can be a gateway to improve the economy in this field.