COCO19 Cultural and Artistic Festival

CoCo19 Cultural and Artistic Festival is held with the focus on children and Covid 19.
The festival is organized by the Wildlife Introduction Center and the Vadood Cultural and Artistic Institute as part of a collaborative awareness-raising project about Covid 19 with the financial and moral support of the Global Environment Facility, UNDP and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, in two Child and family section is held.
Thematic focus of CoCo19 Festival
– Individual and group care (use of mask, physical distance, hand washing, proper ventilation, etc.) during the Covid 19 epidemic
– Quarantine or epidemic experiences
– Feelings about the current situation
– Identify the heroes who fight Covid 19
– Strengthen the spirit of empathy and create vitality in patients
– Life expectancy
– Picture of the days after Covid 19 eradication
Rules for participating in the CoCo19 Festival
– This festival is held online according to the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
– All children and adolescents across of IRAN in the age group of 7 to 15 years, as well as their families, can participate in this festival for free.
– Each participant can participate in any of the sections of the festival with a maximum of two works.
– Each participant must enclose their complete details including name, surname, age, degree, address and contact number attached to the work. (Enter the date of birth of the participant is required).
– The time for sending the works to the secretariat of the festival is up to 13 August 1400.
– The closing time and the final announcement of the winners will be on 23 August 1400.
– Those interested in participating in the festival can send their works to the following e-mail address.
– Festival e-mail:
– Ten selected works are displayed on online pages.
– The material and intellectual rights of the submitted works belong to the secretariat of the festival.
– Those interested in participating in the festival can ask their questions through the secretariat phone number 09123777918.
Conditions for submitting stand-up comedy in the children’s section of the CoCo19 Festival
– Stand-up comedy to be performed solo and standing.
– Stories that have coherence (beginning, middle and end) can be a fictional or real story and can be told in a sweet tone.
– Its duration should be at least 1 to a maximum of 4 minutes.
– Hold the phone horizontally while filming.
– Do not use inappropriate words that are far from custom and ethics.
Conditions for submitting the paintings of the children section of the CoCo19 Festival
– Cut the effect: minimum side of the effect 20cm and maximum 42cm
– To send: the work file should be sent with a resolution of 300 and if the original work is selected, it will be requested.
– Paintings can be with watercolors, gouache, pastels, crayons, etc.
Conditions for submitting poems to the children’s section of the CoCo19 Festival
– Each poem should be written and sent separately with the specifications of the author of the work, if possible, or in legible handwriting.
– Poems can be in any form of poetry.
Conditions for submitting short stories in the children’s section of the CoCo19 Festival
– Each story should be written and sent separately with the details of the owner of the work, if possible, typed or legible.
– The volume of submitted stories should be a maximum of 1000 words (two A4 sheets).
Conditions for submitting films for the family section of the CoCo19 Festival
– Child participation with family members in reading poetry, games and any kind of creative entertainment.
– Its duration should be at least 1 to a maximum of 4 minutes.
– When filming, hold the phone horizontally.
– Twenty selected films from the received films will be posted on the Instagram page and the films that have the most likes will be awarded prizes.
– Do not use inappropriate words and behaviors far from custom and ethics.
Referee Committee
Shohreh Lorestani (Vadood)
Festival secretary and stand-up comedy judge
Mamak Yahyapour
Painting judge
Maryam Eslami
Story section judge
Zahra Mousavi
Poetry judge
Source: Festival Website