Publication of a book about Tanbur

A new edition of the book “The Background of Knowing the Tanbur” written by Haidar Kaki has been published.
According to Artmag, in the introduction of this book, it is a documentary and reasoned reference that introduces tanbur enthusiasts and ancient music to all its dimensions. The book “The Field of Knowledge of Tanbur” after book “Tanbur has long since been” the late Seyed Khalil Alinejad is the second research book on the ancient tanbur instrument and begins with a reading introduction by Master Ali Akbar Moradi and the author.
First, a brief history of Tanbur music and instrument is presented in different periods from human creation to the present era, and then a brief history of Tanbur in different lands is discussed based on ancient monuments and motifs.
The following is a brief introduction of Yarsan and Yarsan Tanbur, then the characteristics and appearance, material properties, tuning, technical factors in the performance, various types of percussion and right and left hand playing techniques are explained.
In the following, the musicians of Tanbur last 100 years are introduced in different fields and a number of contemporary Tanbur creators, and then the use of Tanbur, Maqamat, a variety of Tanbur positions, characteristics of Tanbur music in terms of different aspects and states of melodic process and rhythmic rounds are investigated.
The book “The Field of Knowledge of Tanbur” was published in 2008 by Navid Shiraz Publications and has now been published by Siamak Azizzadeh, managing editor of The Art Celebrities Publications, after re-changes.
Enthusiasts can visit prestigious bookstores or Mashahire Honar Publications website to produce this book.