7th Irasography Social Photography

The seventh social photo year of Irasography, entitled: Amir’s badge, will be held on the anniversary of Amir Kabir’s assassination
According to Artmag, the course will be held in two parts: Documentary Photography Scholarship (financial support for a photography project) and Photo Festival.
Part One:
2021 Irasography Scholarship (financial support for a photography project)
– Subject: Free
✔ With a focus on social documentary photography
Part II:
Photo Festival of 2021 Irasography
Subject: The photo festival is held in one section and the Amir badge is awarded to:
– Selected photographs that challenge the social conditions of contemporary society in the following areas:
✔ Health (Corona and its various consequences, vaccines, etc.)
✔ Environment (water crisis, forest fires, etc.)
✔ Socio-economic (working conditions, agriculture, class differences, migration, etc.)
✔ Cultural (active presence of women in various areas of society, etc.)
✔ Educational (virtual education, mobile libraries, education ambassadors, etc.)
In the Scholarship section:
– Every photographer can participate in this section by submitting a proposal.
– The photographer must introduce his resume and send at least one collection of his photos.
– The selected project must be completed by the summer of 2022.
– The selected person is obliged to submit a monthly work report to the secretariat and the project manager.
– The prize will be paid in installments.
In Photo Festival section:
– Final submission of three works
– Date of photo registration from 2020 to 2021
– Minimum size of works is 1.5 MB
– All photos must have a photo story, time and place information.
– Accepting works with mobile and professional camera
– Not accepting collage photos, panoramic photomontage and HDR
– Submitted photos must not have the photographer’s signature, passport, border and watermark.
– It is necessary to present the original photo file of the winner in order to award prizes.
– The presenter of the work is known as the owner of the work and any claim from a third party is not the responsibility of the Irasography collection.
– Scholarship: 2021: 200 Million Rials
– Photo Festival: 1 coin all spring freedom second and third person: 60 and 30 million Rials
Festival Consultant:
✔ Reza Moatarian
Jury Committee:
Mehdi Vosoughnia, Sasan Moayyedi, Nader Davoodi, Peyman Hooshmandzadeh
Festival Calendar:
✔ Receiving works: 17 October to 5 January 2021
✔ Announcement of the winners: 10 January
✔ How to send works: through the Irasography website to the address: https://irasography.com