Iran Darroudi died

Prominent painter, director and art critic Iran Darroudi died today (Friday, October 29) at age of eighty-five.
According to Art Magazine, Iran Darroudi was a painter born on September 2, 1936 in Mashhad. Apart from painting, he was involved in other fields of art and was also a director, writer, art critic and professor of art history.
According to some, she follows the school of surrealism. Salvador Dali, the distinguished painter of this style, never considered Darroudi’s style close to his style, describing Darroudi as an artist from the East Line with infinite virtuosity and talent.
Iran Darroudi has a history of holding 64 solo exhibitions in prestigious museums and galleries around the world and has made 80 documentaries for the former national television of Iran. Also, eight of her exquisite works are kept in the treasury of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran and other museums in Iran, and some of her works are in other museums around the world.
In recent months, news of her health in the fight against corona had been published.