Master Kambiz Derambakhsh died

Veteran cartoonist Kambiz Dermbakhsh died today at the age of 79 due to corona.
According to Artmag, quoting the public relations of Veteran Artists Institute, Kambiz Dermbakhsh, who had been involved in the coronavirus for some time, died today, November 6, 2021.
Master Kambiz Derambakhsh, born on May 29, 1942 in Shiraz, was a designer, cartoonist and graphic artist.
He has won several major international awards and has had several independent exhibitions of his work in various countries around the world.
He was one of the artists who continued his activities continuously for more than half a century and left valuable achievements.
What is important in the field of work in Derambakhsh as a cartoonist is the aspect of universal recognition of his works, and today, wherever there is talk of caricature in the world, his name is undoubtedly respected.
He has won numerous awards at largest and most prestigious international cartoon competitions in Japan, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil and Yugoslavia.
In 2014, he received the Knight Medal from French government, and in 2018, at the closing ceremony of the sixth “International Festival of Art for Peace”, he was one of the four artists who received the “Art for Peace” medal. The documentary: Paper Cinema, about works and life of Kambiz Derambakhsh, is an illustrated description of his life.
Master Derambakhsh’s works in Tehran Museums of Contemporary Art, Saba Academy of Arts, National Library, New Man Honar, Museum of Iranian Graphic Designers, Avignon Museum in Paris, Basel Cartoon Museum in Bulgaria, Gabrovo Cartoon Museum in Bulgaria, Hiroshima Museum in Japan, Anti-Japanese Museum , Istanbul Istanbul Cartoon Museum, Warsaw Cartoon Museum in Poland and Frankfurt City Hall, Germany.
In addition to these activities, he was active in the field of advertising children’s book illustrations, posters, short films, postcards, calendars, and entered the animation industry in the mid-2000s.
Master Kambiz Dermakhsh’s works were formed with simple black lines on a white background of paper and created characters who .are different and influential storytellers in each painting