Thirst of Iranian audience to attend concert

The category of concerts in Iran has reached its peak today; From the not-so-distant days when 400,000 people would leave Iran for a concert, to today, when a million regular audiences watch live music performances every month, it has been a volatile and difficult path.
According to, for a long time now, the average monthly concert in Iran is around 500 performances. Performances that, if we want to consider the average capacity of its halls of 2000 seats, we reach the number of one million audience, which is definitely considered an acceptable statistical indicator.
This event seems important from the point of view that, firstly, the number of concerts in Iran had never reached this number in recent years. Secondly, all the provinces of the country, on par with each other, never had the possibility of concerts of different singers, and thirdly, the enthusiasm of our concerts was not enough to attract a million audience every month.
The thirst of the Iranian audience to attend concerts is so great that during Nowruz last year, when the volume of concerts in Iran was reduced, about 400 thousand people left Iran to attend the live performances of Persian singers, so to speak, with one shot. Do two signs and at the same time that their Nowruz travel plan was arranged, they were also going to a concert. Also, the same thirst was seen in the autumn of last year. When singers inside Iran were forced not to go on stage for more than 4 months under the pressure of foreign media. At that time, some of the serious audience of the concert left Iran to attend the live performance of the few Persian singers.
Since the 26th of January last year, when the concerts in Iran started on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the reception of the audience was wonderful. Zanko was the first singer who went on stage after the events of last year’s fall, and few people thought that the first performance of this young singer would be welcomed by the people who were called protestors or mourners by the foreign media. The seats of both performances of this singer were filled from the audience to prove that the people of Iran are so thirsty for concerts.
Later, Reza Sadeghi, Sirvan Khosravi and Makanband also went on the stage, and all these performances were met with amazing success from the audience. After these performances, Fajr Music Festival was held, and all its popular performances were noticed. In only one context, 12 pop singers went on stage in 6 nights, and the tickets for all these performances were sold out in a fraction of an hour.
After the music festival, a tsunami of concerts started in Iran, which is still being held with great intensity.
The severity of this incident is such that the price of the ticket has become more expensive twice in the past year, until today it reaches 800 thousand tomans. But neither this factor nor the boom in the black market of multi-million concert tickets did not prevent those interested in attending live performances.
During a recent year, all the tickets for the concert of 6 singers were sold in less than 15 minutes. The process of completing the sale of other singers’ halls also fluctuates from 1 hour to 4 days, which all shows that Iranian audiences are very thirsty to attend the concert of their favorite singer.
It was just a few days ago that the artistic deputy of the minister of guidance announced that for this year’s music festival, several pop singers have announced their readiness to participate in this non-competitive section, which is definitely the result of the stunning reception of live performances in Iran. The flow during which the monthly audience of one million for the concert has been established and this process will continue to increase with the arrival of new singers.
Therefore, the concert, as one of the main indicators of public vitality in Iran, has reached a favorable statistical level that has satisfied all parties, and now it is hoped that the new director of the music office of the Ministry of Guidance, with his initiatives, will lay the groundwork for the further prosperity of these performances, which will lead to To improve the level of social vitality in Iran.
During the last one year, with the support of the cultural and artistic authorities, something has happened in the history of Iranian music, especially in the field of live performances, that we have never experienced before. The boom of music concerts is an undeniable fact and of course proud.
The art-loving community, against the pressure of cruel economic sanctions, defended the music art industry so fiercely that all the margins will be fleeting and unimportant.
The sun of art will never set in this land.