Beginning of registration for 15th Al-Jalal storytelling course

Registration for the 15th Al-Jalal Storytelling Course has begun. This course is held online with the participation of young writers from all over the country.
According to Artmag of House of Books and Literature of Iran, the fifteenth course of “Al-Jalal” storytelling training will be held for eight days from 9th to the 17th of December 2021 online and with the participation of young writers from all over the country. All those interested in storytelling are invited to register for this training course by the end of Wednesday (December 8).
Participants in this course of storytelling training from the classes of people such as Mohammad Reza Sarshar, Hamidreza Manaei, Anahita Arvan, Rambod Khanlari, Mansour Alimoradi, Qasem Ali Frasat, Saeed Tashakkori, Ehsan Rezaei, Ali Changizi, Ahmad Shakeri, Razieh Tojjar, Majid Gheisari and Kamran Parsinezhad Will benefit.
In the 15th Al-Jalal Storytelling Course, which will be held virtually as required by health practices, topics such as “Experiences in Story Writing”, “Dramatic Text Structure”, “From Picture to Text”, “A Golden Trick for Trailer Writing”, “Local Writing” And the importance of geography “,” What is it like to write a picture in a story? “,” Portrait writing in a novel “,” Fantasy genre in Iranian literature “,” What do we learn from the classics? “,” The function of prose and language in a story “,” Historical story ” Opportunities and Barriers “,” Why has not war literature become the most important genre? ” And “How much does a novelist need to read criticism?” Is taught.
Membership (free) in the Story Review Site and sending at least one short story through the account on the site is required to attend this training course.
The 15th Al-Jalal storytelling course will be held from Thursday (December 9 in the form of 13 virtual workshops with the aim of creating equal opportunities for education for young writers and cultivating talents in this field in online systems.