Music basics training workshop for journalists and critics

The Iranian Academy of Arts is holding a workshop on the basics of music for journalists and critics with the participation of two professors in the field of music and communication.
According to the Artmag of The Iranian Academy of Arts , a training workshop on the basics of music for journalists and critics will be held with the participation of Arash Amini, a member of the Music Department of The Academy of Arts, and Younes Shokarkhah, an assistant professor at the University of Tehran.
This workshop was proposed by specialized music group of The Iranian Academy of Arts and with the aim of getting acquainted with the common words in the field of music news and reporting in the media, stylistics and the basics of music, an intensive and short-term specialized workshop entitled the music capsule will be held at The Iranian Academy of Arts.
This workshop will be held in four sessions, including three sessions of introduction to the basics of music by Arash Amini and one session of introduction to scientific media criticism by Younes Shokrkhah.
This workshop will start on December 2021 and will be held on Thursdays. At the end of the course, participants will be awarded a valid certificate.