17,000 spectators of Fajr Film Festival in Tehran Municipality Cinemas

About 17,000 spectators sat in the first half of 40th Fajr Film Festival to watch the works of this cinematic event in cinemas of Tasvirshar Institute of Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran Municipality.
According to Artmag quoted by IRNA, Mellat Gallery, Tamasha and Raga Cinema Campus is one of sub-cinemas of the Image Institute of City of Tehran Municipality Cultural and Artistic Organization, which hosts the media and citizens every year as cinemas showing the works of Fajr Film Festival.
Mellat Gallery Cinema Campus, after four consecutive seasons, as the main headquarters of Fajr Film Festival and hosting media people, critics and owners of works, is present in 40th Fajr Film Festival as a popular cinema, in which the ticket sales festival is fully It is online and offline and has been sold at 70% of hall capacity due to Corona rRestrictions.
The four main halls of this cinema campus are halls for showing the works of the festival, in which eight films are screened daily. In first five days of the festival, about 11,000 spectators were present to watch festival films at Mellat Gallery Cinema Campus.
The films “No Appointment”, “Night Watchman”, “Grassland”, “Betrayal”, “Loser Man”, “Beiroya”, “Girls’ Group”, “Private Meeting” and “Mahdi’s Situation” have the highest audience ratings in this Cinema is dedicated to them.
Also, Tamasha Cinema Campus in Yaftabad area of Tehran and Raga Cinema Campus, as only Shahr-e-Rey cinema in the past few years, have been providing services to people of southern Tehran and are among the most popular cinemas in region during the festival, each with a hall in The first half of the 40th Fajr Film Festival was hosted by 6,000 people.
During this period, each film is screened twice a day and the films are screened every day at 15, 17:30, 20 and 22:30 in Tamasha Campus and at 14, 16:30, 19 and 21:30 in Raga Campus is on display.
According to this report, 40th Fajr Film Festival will be held with the participation of 22 films in Simorgh Soda section, 10 films in the short film section and eight films in documentary section from 1 to 11 February 2022, under the direction of Massoud Naghashzadeh. The films of this period of festival will be screened in cinemas of 31 provinces across the country.