Virtual Cartoon Exhibition on occasion of Arbor Day

On the occasion of Arbor Day, Iranian House of Cartoon is holding a virtual cartoon exhibition entitled: New Seedlings with aim of reminding the importance of trees and plants in human life and need to pay attention and respect to nature.
According to Artmag, in this exhibition, which is held with the aim of reminding the importance of trees and plants in human life and need to pay attention and respect to nature, works by Iranian and foreign artists with the themes of planting, kindness to trees, children and trees, protection From nature and environment, green space, etc. are displayed virtually.
The works of this exhibition will be visible from 6th to 19th of March 2022, on Instagram page of Cartoon House.
Arbor Day is one of days of the year when people are encouraged to plant seedlings. This day is usually in last days of winter or the first days of spring. In Iran, tree planting is registered every year on February 6th. Also, Natural Resources Week has been set from March 15 to 22 to commemorate and remind the importance of plants.
Arbor Day is celebrated in many countries around the world.