10th Biennial Photo Exhibition of Qom Artists

The secretary of the 10th Qom Artists’ Photo Biennial said: The exhibition of “Free Section” works of this biennial has been organized with 45 works by 25 photographers.
According to the Artmag, quoting the public relations of the 10th Biennial of Photographs of Qom Artists, Ebrahim Soleimani, Chairman of the Photographers Association of Qom Province said: This exhibition will be open to the public until 1 May 2022, from 15:30 to 19:30 in the Culture Gallery of Qom, located on Shahidan Fatemi Street. (Dorshahr) is located.
He added: “The tenth period of this biennial, compared to its previous periods, has serious differences, including the presence of photographers with the” photo collection “and also the” mobile photo section “, which we did not have in the previous periods.”
Chairman of the Photographers Association of Qom Province continued: These two new sections, caused the prosperity and presence of more photographers in this biennial.
Soleimani pointed out: In this exhibition, the selected photos have been “Pasparto” in a very artistic way and also have “captions”.
He stated: At the time of holding this exhibition on Tuesdays every week, specialized meetings of photo critique and review are held along with interviews with photographers in connection with this biennial.
He announced: “Qom Ward” exhibition, which is the main part of the 10th Biennial Photo Exhibition of Qom Artists; It will be held after Eid al-Fitr and after that the closing ceremony of the biennial will be held.
In another part of his conversation, he said: About 2,000 works by more than 120 photographers in various sections from all over Iran were sent to the Secretariat of the 10th Biennial of Artists in Qom.
Soleimani pointed out: Among the received works, 180 works from 50 photographers were selected for the exhibition in two sections: “Qom” and “Free”.