Academy of Arts supports Macro Research in field of Art Policy

The director of Art Policy Studies Group of Academy of Arts announced: This institution supports the research that is being done on macro-policy in field of art.
According to Artmag, quoting public relations of Academy of Arts, Zahra Morabbian said about artistic policy studies group of this institution: This group, under management of strategic studies and researches, in accordance with the statutory missions in Academy of Arts, is obliged to move to provide policy proposals for preservation and development of Islamic, national and local art.
She considered having grand plans as one of indicators of developed countries and said: “One of the indicators of developed societies is having big plans for governing countries based on the beliefs of managers and policy makers, internationally accepted scientific standards, country capacities and territorial facilities to achieve situation.” And right conditions are formed. Rapid changes in the field of social issues and, consequently, changes in values, norms, lifestyles and patterns, social customs and, of course, art, require that all these changes and developments be considered in macro-planning of society.
Referring to the role of Academy of Arts in policy-making, Morabbian added: “The main goal of the legislator in this mission is to promote the role of Academy in art policy-making and thus to propose the optimal structure of art policy-making system and to complete and complete art laws in absence of the system.” The coherence of art policy in the country is quite evident, introduction any kind of policy-making, legislation and planning in any field is to recognize the actions and current situation in that field.
The director of Art Policy Studies Group pointed out some of the strategies that have been considered in this field: the status and analysis of policies adopted in various fields of Iranian art, review of laws and policy documents, comparative study of new approaches to art policy in the world, Examining the role of art policies in the emergence of developments, currents, genres and styles of art and policy-making in the digital space in line with the modern world is one of the strategies that the Academy of Arts has considered.
Zahra Morabbian, inviting elites and thinkers in field of art, said: “Obviously, to achieve this vision, we need theoretical support, relying on using the capacity of our thinking elites; Therefore, we invite all interested researchers to join us in this path.