
Solo exhibition of Master Gholamhossein Nami

Due to importance of the wave of modernity in Iranian art, Aria Gallery started a project in 2014 entitled: Rereading Modern Iranian Art, with aim of introducing leading artists with different attitudes and approaches.

 According to Artmag, one of most prominent exhibitions held in Aria Gallery are exhibitions of works by Sirak Maleknian (seven decades of Sirak Maleknian paintings), Bahman Mohasses (60 pieces of a lost object), Behjat Sadr (traced in black), Garnik Der Hacopian (presence of absent artist). Other exhibition and research projects of this gallery are exhibitions of small paintings, contemporary jewelry, roots and copies equal to the original.

Master Gholamhossein Nami

The fifth exhibition of re-reading works of modern Iranian art is dedicated to the exhibition of works of Master Gholamhossein Nami, which will open on Friday, June 17, 2022.

 Exhibition Calendar:
 Opening: June 17, 2022
 Opening Time: 16:00 to 20:00
 Holidays: None
 Visits: June 17, to July 8, 2022, from 4 pm to 8 pm
● Address: No.10, Zarrin Alley, above three way of Abbasabad, Valiasr ST, TEHRAN, IRAN
 Homepage: ariaart.gallery
 Phone: 0982188727083

Eghamat 24

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