Death of Amin Tarokh

Master Amin Tarokh, a prominent theater and cinema artist, passed away on 24 September 2022, after being hospitalized for a few days due to a previous stroke.
According to, on 19th of September 2022, news of admission of Amin Tarokh, the author, creator and actor of the Iranian theater, cinema and television, due to a heart problem in hospital, caused a wave of worry and sadness among fans of this actor and those interested in the field.
On the morning of Saturday, 24 September, the news of his unbelievable death was published. The cause of his death was cardiac arrest. The incident saddened all the fans of this actor and those interested in the field of Iranian performing arts in all fields of theater, cinema and television.
Amin Tarakh was born on August 11, 1953 in Shiraz. He graduated from Tehran University’s Faculty of Performing Arts in 1977 and completed his postgraduate studies in 1984 with a master’s degree in cultural management.
This veteran artist had an active presence as an actor and member of the jury in various national festivals and as a member of board of directors of Cinema House(Khane Cinema). He also had a history of attending festivals in Moscow, Japan and Germany as a guest in his artistic portfolio.
His roles in movies: Death of Yazdgerd, Little Bird of Happiness, Del Shodegan, Sara and Barefoot in Heaven, as well as TV series: Sarbedaran, Avicenna, Masoomiyat Az Dast Rafte, Eghma and Jerahat, made him one of the popular artists of seventh art enthusiasts.
In 1994, he founded the first acting school in Tehran, called Azad Azad Azadari Workshop, which is considered one of first cinema acting training institutions in Iran. Habib Rezaei, Mahtab Keramati, Taraneh Alidoosti, Pouria Poursorkh, Bita Badran, Ghazal Saremi, Shahram Ghaedi and Shabnam Moghadami are among artists who graduated from this acting workshop and were introduced by him to the field of cinema and television.
The late Tarokh always used to address each and every student at beginning of his classes and said: If you have turned to art of acting to gain name, fame and wealth, leave the same door where you came. The human body is mortal and there is no doubt about it; But art and artist can have a high role in immortalizing the name, memory and thinking of every person, from artist himself to those whose works affect them. This is highest mission of every actor in the whole world. If it is anything other than this, you have come to wrong path, but if this is your goal, you should learn humanity, ethics and knowledge before teaching acting.
Master Amin Tarokh was the author of acting; Because instead of running after directors, directors who own the style and flow of Iranian cinema and television such as: Bahram Bayzaei, Shadarvan Ali Hatami; Rasool Sadr Amali; Mohammad Ali Najafi; Dawood Mirbagheri; Masoud Kimiaei and… the owner of the title were looking for him.
Master Amin Tarakh was the author of acting; Because even in the period of the vogue for full-time work and astronomical incomes and salaries of actors, he was only committed to playing the role of characters and he loved to be able to respond to his teachings to his students and respect his audience. It means choosing the roles that have the highest contribution in identifying and influencing the audience.
The late Ali Hatami, who is known as one of the most famous and selective directors of Iranian cinema, has said this about the selection of characters in his screenplay in the production of two lasting films, which are considered as brilliant works in the history of Iranian cinema, namely: Mother(1989) and Delshodegan(1991). is: No one but Amin Tarokh could have played the mania of Jalal al-Din in the movie Mother and the passion and heartbreak of Tahir, singer of music band of film Delshedgan. Before starting to write the script of these two works, I chose all characteristics of characters that were prominent in Amin Tarakh’s acting art and wrote these two characters for him.
At the 15th Fajr Film Festival, late Tarokh won Simorgh Crystal for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the movie The Moon and the Sun, and in the 24th edition of this festival, he was nominated for his role in the movie Havana Cases. Awarded For playing a role in the memorable series Masoomiyat Az Dast Rafte, he won statue of Sima Channel 3, statue of Hafiz and statue of Ashurayan Festival, and in 2008, he received plaque of honor of the national artist.
The editorial board of expresses its condolences to his family and all the fans of Iranian culture and art on the passing away of Amin Tarkh, a respected artist in the field of theater, cinema and television.