Holding 312 exhibitions in first half of this year

Visual arts center of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, presented a report on its performance during the first 6 months of this year.
According to Artmag.ir, citing communication and media unit of visual arts center, this center has issued permission to hold 312 art exhibitions in different galleries of Tehran during first six months of 1401 (2022).
Extension of activity license for 13 galleries, registration of intellectual property for 14 works of art and issuance of establishment license for 11 graphic offices are among other actions of the center in the spring and summer seasons.
Also, in the first six months of this year, 27 requests for the issuance of art certificates from visual artists have been sent to the center, and all mentioned certificates have been allocated to applicants.
Based on this report, 170 artists have joined the art credit fund in first six months of this year, and membership of 379 other artists has been extended.
Among other actions of visual arts center, we can mention the establishment of insurance for 170 artists and granting loans to 68 artists. Also, eight artists are eligible to receive pensions and three artists are known to be eligible for grants.
According to this report, in the first six months of 1401 (2022), 98 requests were received from the artists and gallery managers, regarding departure of 1078 works from Iran, to visual arts center, out of this number, 1059 letters of approval and permission to send them to different destinations have been issued.