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The book “Correlation of Science and Art in Documentary Cinema” written by Dr. Ahmad Zabeti Jahromi was published

The book “Correlation of Science and Art in Documentary Cinema”, written by Dr. Ahmad Zabeti Jahromi, was released on occasion of Tehran Book Fair.

According to, quoted from public relations of Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema, Friday, May 10, 2024, Dr. Ahmad Zabeti Jahromi, university professor, author, translator and researcher, was a guest of expansion center’s booth at 35th Tehran International Exhibition and signed the copy of his new book for students, documentary makers and cinema enthusiasts.

Ahmad Zabeti Jahromi, at the booth of Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema at 35th Tehran International Book Fair, said: The contents of book “Correlation of Science and Art in Documentary Cinema” are among contents that I have idea of teaching in university classes. In the field of film production, especially in the field of documentaries, I have had, but never had opportunity to collect them. I compiled contents of book based on my notes and this book was collected and ready for publication after two years.

He continued: In terms of scientific content, contents of book include two categories: contents that are directly related to documenting and activity of documentary makers, next contents are about experimental filmmakers and the field of animation. So, content of book is completely aligned with activities of Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema.

Dr. Zabeti Jahromi added: Some of these materials are basic, others are my personal opinion based on years of study, experience, training and watching movies. For researcher, watching movie is as important as reading book. Film is a text that can be learned from, many films by Iranian and non-Iranian directors are introduced in this book, I always prioritize watching films by Iranian directors. For this reason, in this book and elsewhere in my writings, I have mentioned works of young documentary filmmakers who have innovation in their films. I think this topic is attractive and motivating for these friends whose works have been noticed in a scientific work.

Mohammad Hamidi Moghaddam, Managing Director of Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema hosted by Dr. Zabeti Jahromi was at book fair booth and said: In expansion center, attention to academic discussion plan has been a priority according to daily needs of student community and documentaries in form of books. I am happy that first-class academic and academic figures such as Master Zabeti Jahromi consider Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema as their home and provide results of years of effort and education to lovers of documentary cinema.

Hamidi Moghaddam added: Works like “Correlation of Science and Art in Documentary Cinema” are useful and valuable for cinema students and young filmmakers. Works of Dr. In addition to having academic values, Jahromi are practical and solve need of many students to read non-Persian texts. Mr. Dr. Zabeti Jahromi, in addition to research and study, always watch movies and appreciate art of cinema. I am happy that today book that was unveiled at 17th “Cinema Verite” festival, signed by Master Jahromi, will reach cinema, literature and documentary lovers.

The book “Correlation of Science and Art in Documentary Cinema” was published in research unit of Center for Development of Documentary, Experimental and Animated Cinema and was unveiled at 17th “Cinema Verite” festival. Release of this book has started at same time as 35th Tehran International Book Fair.

Eghamat 24

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