● Birthplace: Hamedan
He is a poet, a writer and a translator for children and teenagers. At the time of elementary education, when he was in the fifth grade of elementary school, he had the ability to tell his poetry. The first poems that kept, poems Masnavi, was the Rumi that his mother sometimes whispers. He spent the first three years of high school at Amir Kabir High School. During the high school, he encouraged her father to read the religious studies. He had three teachers in the course, and the best of them was an Afghan student who completed the level with them. In the late years, the high school will bring music and painting. Although he did not have an improvement in painting, it went to a place in music that he was going to be in a school ceremony. We all know the books of our school and childhood with memorable poems. Mostafa Rahmandoost is one of the poets and writers of children and Young books, known as Poetry poet: a Hundred Grains Of Ruby. The poem we have all whispered at least once in our lifetime. He says about his father: My father was strong, but when he read poetry about Karbala, it was a bug. For I saw him strong, seeing the tears was strange. I wanted to know that the black words that were in the silent and lunar court paper are what they are looking for and how strong my father would be crying. This was the reason that he tried to read the poems of the two Dewan upon learning and writing. At school, one of the main foundations of the juggs was to read the keeper and tried to preserve its poems. After spending six years, Mostafa entered the secondary school. He spent the first three years in Ibn Sina High School. He said about the library of this high school: it was a good library, but I could hardly take a book, read many of the books there. I was compensated by the book’s Rent and a quick study. I would book a night of a rent. I also heard some books from Ahl-i-Kitab, to pay a lower fare.
He went to Tehran in 1970 to continue his education and was studying in the University of Persian language and literature. After that, he worked as a linear book expert in the Majlis library and then continued as director of the Center for the Institute of Intellectual Development of children and adolescents, director of Roshd Publications, editor of Roshd of Students, editor and written of Soroush for children and adolescents. He has also been the Director of the Office for three years and the cultural activities of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic guidance of Iran, which according to himself, began his way to transfer the selected literature of Iran’s children and teenagers in other languages. He continued his studies at the end of the doctoral degree. In addition, he has also been the lecturer of children and youth literature in universities. After the retirement of the state, the Director of Blossom Group (children and teenagers) Amirkabir publications and literary consultant works on children and adolescents of the Iranian National Library and one of the main members of the international jury of Isfahan Children’s Film Festival and the International Festival of Theatre Sided and adolescents. He is a member of the jury of the year, book festivals, and the children’s and member of the Children’s Music Council and the Iranian children’s Book Council.
Master Mostafa Rahmandoost has made a lot of effort to pave the way for those who really are burnt children and have closed the waist to make the poetry and tales of children and teenagers. For this purpose, many meetings have been held for teaching poetry and tales to talented young people and the criticism of many stories and poetry. He is now just writing and making a great training package for six year olds. He has set up a childish electronic library four years ago, called “Friendly,” which aims to enter the selection of works of children and young people on this international website so that all kids can access their favorite books through the computer.
From this Iranian author and poet, a hundred and sixty works have been published in the form of poetry for children and adolescents, the Book of Children and Adolescents ‘ stories in Iran and the world. The circulation of his books comes to more than five and a half million copies, among which can be pointed to the following works:
– Easy Culture: encyclopedia Special Kids
– Culture of Proverbs: a valuable collection of Iranian proverbs
– Stroking songs: include a collection of lullaby, from which between, the Ashura Lullaby was very welcomed.
– Poems Collection is a story of five fingers and play with fingers that have roots in Iranian folk literature and a number of poems in Swedish has also been translated.
– He also has prepared the possibility of studying, listening and buying books for Iranian children abroad by releasing some of his works with the help of the easy-to-publish facility of Uncle Mustafa in the United States.
– Poetry: Blessed Is The State, A Rustic, well-known one who is taught in the course of elementary education and in Persian language lessons.
Some Works
– 2 Plume 2 Plume 4 Plume
– The Sky Also Laughed
– Stroking Songs
– Sweet Game Play
– Lesson for Sparrow
– Balls In The Dark
– Love Kids
– Cheesy Chicken
– The Bird Said To!
– The Sound Maker Comes
– Suck Dick
– More Beautiful Than Spring
salam sir
.i a m dr. md irfan from new delhi . i am phd in persian from jnu new delhi. iam apoet in persian urdu. i know language english urdu hindi and persian
i want translate works of mustafa raman doost. iread many poetry of poet mustfa rahman doost.
من بنده دکتر مخمد عرفان شاعر زبان ارد فارسی از هند هستم. دکترا زبان فارسی هستم. کار تحقیق ادبیات است.
من خواهم ترجمه یک کتاب شعر کودکان در زبان هندی بکنم. ارایه شما خواهم.
thanking you
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