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Master Mostafa Asadollahi passed away

Master Mostafa Asadollahi, one of veteran artists in the field of graphic design, passed away on October 9.

Mostafa Asadollahi, born on 13 May 1943 in Tehran, was a graphic designer, painter, and one of the founders of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS).

In 1968 he started studying art at Academy of Fine Arts and then entered Tehran University. He went to study at Sorbonne University in Paris.

Master Mostafa Asadollahi has been teaching at Faculty of Fine Arts since 1987. He is considered one of generals of Iranian graphics and his works remind viewer of pure graphics. In his works, traces of a sharp and responsible look and great interest in simplifying elements can be seen. In his works, especially in design, sign of standard visual tone is strong and without stuttering, and unconsciously compels his audience to respect.

Many professional designers of Iran are indebted to his years of effective and fruitful teaching.

Undoubtedly, his outstanding designs, including logo of Esteghlal Club of Tehran and Khabar Network, will still be remembered.

Ebrahim Haghighi, a veteran design and graphic artist, announced news of Mostafa Asadollahi’s death by publishing an old photo of himself and Morteza Momayez, Masoud Sepehar and Mostafa Asadollahi, who have all passed away.

The late professor Mostafa Asadollahi is known as one of founders of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS) and during his professional life, he had extensive activities as a university professor, festival judge and art director.

Graduated from Tehran University Faculty of Fine Arts in 1976 and also graduated from Paris Sorbonne University in 1980.

Professional activity:
– Chairman of Board of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS)
– Member of Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran
– Associate member of Kish International Campus – University of Tehran
– Member of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS)
– Designer of graphic offices, posters, publishing and advertising companies from 1965 to 1980
– Designer and art director of leading advertising company from 1974 to 1978
– Member of  Jury of First Television Programs Festival 2014
– Member of Jury of Press Festival – Graphic Department 2016
– Member of 6th Biennial Organization of Graphic Designers of Iran 1999
– Member of organizing committee of Iran’s Experimental Posters Exhibition 2001
– Art director, Khursheed Iran picture book collection project 1995 to 1997
– Secretary of 7th Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Designers of Iran 2001
– Member of organizing committee of experimental posters exhibition in Tehran – 2013
– Member of Selection Council of 8th World Poster Biennial of Tehran – 2012
– Art Director of “Chaslanema Nishan” 2011 to 2014
– Chairman of Board of Directors of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS) from 2003 to 2006
– Member of Organizing Council and Selection Committee of 9th Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Arts in Iran 2006
– Director of Department of Graphics and Photography, Faculty of Visual Arts, Fine Arts Campus, University of Tehran, 2011 to 2015
– Board Member of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS)

Teaching records
He taught graphic art in prestigious universities of Iran and was influential in development of this field. The universities where Mostafa Asadollahi taught are:
– Fine Arts Campus (Tehran University)
– Faculty of Applied Arts (University of Arts)
– School of Art (Alzahra University)
– Faculty of Art and Architecture (Islamic Azad University)
– Kish International Campus (Tehran University)
– Faculty of Architecture and Art (Pars University, Tehran)

Honors and awards
Due to his creative designs, Mustafa Asdalahi won many awards and honors, including following:
– Commendation certificate and incentive diploma for sign and poster design, second biennale of graphic art in Iran (2018)
– Golden statue and certificate of appreciation for sign and poster design, 3rd and 4th Biennale of Graphic Art of Iran (1992 and 1994)
– A statue and a plaque of appreciation for design of sign of Khabar Network, Festival of Television Programs (2013)

Sample works


Eghamat 24

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