Where considerations are much greater

Abdoljabbar Kakaei, expressing his opinion about Fajr Poetry Festival, considered condition of its universality to include all available ranges of literature and said that there are many more considerations in this field.
According to Artmag.ir, quoted by ISNA, this poet, who is secretary of the 8th edition of Fajr Poetry Festival in his career, said about universality of this festival and attention of people to it: the universality of festival, by introducing all available ranges of literature, without Consideration of political and social positions and records of poets happens; But when definition of Fajr poetry festival is holding a festival with presence of poets from specific spectrums, there is no place to talk about inclusiveness anymore.
He emphasized: Fajr poetry festival can be made universal if diverse literary spectrums are present in policy-making council. Does the Ministry of Guidance have capacity to invite all available spectrums to attend the festival? If he invites, do they accept or do they have an understanding? We experienced it in 8th festival and we saw that they did not have an understanding either.
Abdoljabbar Kakaei added: Maybe a national festival will happen in cinema and theater to some extent; But this does not happen in literature, poetry, writing and writing; Because poetry and writing are close to speech and language, and language is also close to clarity, and usually here considerations are much more obvious that this is a poet and not the same. Until all spectrums are present, festival will have an organizational form that is held annually and becomes less and less popular every year.
This poet and literary critic pointed out: In order for this festival to be universal, Ministry of Guidance, should attract all spectrums. The probability that all literary capacities will gather under one roof and display Iranian literature is very low.
This poet reminded: The name chosen for this festival, “Fajr Poetry Festival”, has created definition in the minds of some that this festival is a festival for Fajr. This is an issue that comes up and I remember, some members of policy council of 8th period also said that his name is on it, a poem to be said for Fajr. When subject is limited, what should one do who does not have a poem about it? You should ask the cultural and literary authorities, what is your goal of holding the festival? If you want to organize a national event, first find authority and then organize it.
Abdoljabbar Kakaei, in response to the fact that in early years, names of poets from different spectrums were visible in composition of jury and selectees and faculty, he said: At that time, festival had just started and everyone thought it was a perfect festival like film festival. It collects all currents; So they came to the festival early; But it dropped little by little. Now, apparently, festival is limited to a group of poets known as poets of revolutionary poetry. Friends of the Ministry of Guidance should attract all spectrums, then come to the field. I don’t think anything special will happen.