Annual call for exchange of photos with theme of fine art at Lale Gallery

The annual “photo exchange” call will be held on subject of fine art in Lale Gallery; After final works are selected by participants, exhibition of this event will be held.
According to, quoted by ISNA, first annual exhibition of “Photo Exchange” with theme of fine art will be held at Lale Gallery; This gallery believes that in order to introduce photographers and support art of photography, it has called for first annual photo exchange with aim of using new approaches in art of photography, as well as identifying and introducing contemporary photographers in field of fine art.
In this artistic event, an opportunity has been provided to exchange selected works of photographer artists and to receive various works by participants; Also, an exhibition of works of participants after being selected by jury will be held under auspices of Lale Gallery.
Today, photography in different sectors has gained a certain breadth and abundance, which is goal of this fine art annual.
The conditions of participation in annual photo exchange by Lale Gallery have been announced as follows: “Participation in this year is open to all artists and those interested in art of photography.
Each participant can send up to 5 black and white or color frames as a single photo.
Photos must be sent in JPG format with a smaller side size of 3000 pixels and a maximum file size of 30 MB in a minimum size of 20×30 to Lale Gallery‘s email:
Sample photos sent should not have a date or any visual signs (passeparto, frame, watermark and logo).
Registration of edition number and name of artist in Latin must be made according to submitted ID of each photo.
Submitted works must not have been sent to another exhibition.
All photos must have captions; The work specification form must be filled completely and bilingually and sent along with photo to secretary’s email:
Sending photos by participant means declaring ownership of photo, and organizers have no responsibility for non-compliance with intellectual property of photos.
Lale Gallery reserves right to use photos sent in virtual space, all kinds of media and publication inside and outside country, while preserving intellectual rights of photographers.
Submitting works means accepting all regulations in this annual and it is responsibility of organizers to decide on unforeseen issues.
The selection of works is done in two stages. In first step, it is necessary for each person to send image file with quality (300 Dpi) and JPG format along with certificate of validity of works in two forms (pdf) (word) to gallery’s email.
Participants must complete forms listed on Lale Gallery website in call section and send them to annual email:
This gallery has also announced that if work is selected by annual secretariat, after announcement of results, original copies must be delivered to secretariat at appointed time. Obviously, image of sample version will be matched with original submitted works.
Creativity and ideation will be of primary importance and artist confirms originality of his work by participating in this annual event. If a work is copied from another artist’s work in terms of structural format, it will be removed from annual during selection and display of works.
From selected image, 19 identical printed copies (circulation) should be printed. From this number, 12 copies will be randomly selected and exchanged among participants. Also, 4 copies for sale and 2 copies for archives, 2 copies for participation in foreign exhibitions will be at library’s disposal when necessary.
The gallery will be responsible for printing exhibition version on chassis board, in order to unify works entered into exhibition section.
It is mandatory to have 20 typed birth certificates in A5 size, corresponding to 20 photo copies. (Version 1 is reserved for work printed by Lale Gallery‘s exhibition department.)
For each copy of photo, a certificate should be sent according to file included in invitation section of Lale Gallery website at address: (Form No. 1)
Acceptance of works in exchange section does not mean a definitive presentation in exhibition.
This gallery has announced that pricing of works will be done in gallery.
Participating in this event means accepting all above conditions, and organizer will be responsible for making decisions about unforeseen issues.
The time of delivery of unsold photos by artist will be up to two weeks after end of exhibition, and after this time, secretariat will not be responsible for storage or sending and delivery of works.
Correct completion of all application forms is required. (Form No. 2)
Participants must complete and send label of their work in two languages (Form No. 3).
This year is chaired by Mohammad Ali Saidi and its secretary is Dariush Mohammad Khani. Jury of this exhibition was Afshin Bakhtiar, Behnam Jalali Jafari, Hossein Chananizadeh, Jmalaldyn Shahrokh and Mohammad Ghalam Siah.
Timing of annual photo exchange exhibition has been announced that sample image file will be received via email until May 15, 2024, and works will be judged on May 17 and 18, 2024. Results of this call will be announced on May 20, 2024.
19 editions will be received according to conditions of call until May 30, 2024.
Lale Gallery, has announced that it is necessary to explain that participants should plan in such a way that submitted works will be received by gallery by May 30. Therefore, participants should deliver tworks to post office one week before announced date and take into account possible delay by post office.
Exchange of works of exhibition will be held from 1 to 4 June 2024 and opening of exhibition will be on 7 June 2024.
The delivery of exchanged works will be done during exhibition, and delivery of unsold works will be announced two weeks after end of exhibition.
Lale Gallery‘s address is Tehran, Dr. Fatemi St., north side of Laleh Park, next to Laleh Hotel, in front of Laleh multistory parking, Laleh Gallery with zip code: 1415613131 and phone: +982188960492 and +982188962339.