● Birthplace: Ahvaz
● Died: 13 October 2020 in Tehran
He was originally from Damghan, but traveled to different cities due to his father’s job as a veterinarian. He was two years old and returned to the neighborhood of the Immaculate family and his paternal hometown. He was in love with Tehran’s cinema, and he sang the TV tuner in the School of Dramatic Arts and graduated from the University of Tarbiat Modarres, then received a doctorate in cinema from England and returned to Iran. He is a presenter, TV expert and director and photographer of veteran. Master Akbar Alemi, from 2000 to 2007, is a member of the Academy of Arts and Persian language and literature and most of his works are presented in the field of directing in the documentary genre. Translating and writing technical books of cinema, teaching technical and specialized topics in cinematic faculties, faculty members and director of animation Department of Tarbiat Modares University, performing and undergraduate specialized programs in the TV, referee of international film and animation festivals, referee and host of various festivals in Iran, Ministry of Culture and Higher education in the year 1996, the laboratories responsibility of IRIB in the year 1981, including his activities. He also gave an acting experience with the film of Baba Nan Dad, in 1972, in his activities. He was a member of the seventh Art program in 70, who was the most influential television program in relation to the cinema. He also served as an expert executive in the cinema program, he is a member of the Association of Cinema Instructors, from other enduring works, the five parts: world, created art, related to art and documentary History: Why is beauty important? About the philosophy of beauty in art, which has not been published so far, and the five-part series: The geniuses of photography, in relation to the history of photography, distributed from Sima Documentary network and to the preparation and management of Behzad Zahraei, can be named.
His artistic activities can be made by the art and cultural programs of the cinema along with the professional and enduring performances and the influential critiques of film, a few decades of teaching in art universities, management of cinematic laboratories of Ministry of Culture and Islamic guidance, making about 30 documentary films for the de-industry The localization, petrochemical, textile and wood are referred to in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Arabic. On March 8, 2014, at the time of the celebration of the year’s Iranian artist’s house, he was celebrated as a lifetime of the efforts of Akbar Alemi in the field of photography and cinema, and from this master of the university, he was taught as a word architect with multifaceted knowledge. As a presenter and a speaker, he had a finger in programs, but the quality and memory of these people remains alive.
2008 – Persian Gulf Pearls
2008 – 2004-Persian Gulf, nine areas
2010 – World-created art-five-part series
2011 – Photography geniuses-five-part series
2015 – Why is beauty important?
– The power of vocabulary, dictionaries in English, a variety of specialized vocabulary including: visual arts, cinema, photography, television and theater, along with their descriptions and commentaries
– Cinematic arrangements, a book in four sections, which are the special effects of cinematic.
– A comprehensive animation culture, a book about the common terminology between animators and in general about interpretations and the scientific terminology of the animation, which was published under the viewpoint of Akbar Alemi by Farnaz Khoshbakht.
The advent, in photography and cinema, the effect of IP and Jacobsen, the reference book in the Art of photography, which was translated by Akbar Alemi.