● Birthplace: Sabzevar
Years before his birth, his father left the village and migrated to Sabzevar. His childhood and adolescence passed in Sabzevar, and the summers often spent spends his in his ancestral village, the Diander, the work and the circulation among the villagers. His ancestral village, a paradise located in Sabzevar, was the first source of inspiration for paintings and designs. With the end of the high school period in 1976, the first individual exhibition of Divandari in the basement of the culture and art of Sabzevar, which had a more independent state and was supposed to establish the Kavir Gallery, was established, but with opposition of some, the Desert Gallery did not form a long time Divandari to Tehran. Immigrated. In 1979, he entered the faculty of Fine Arts in Tehran University and started working with a number of magazines and newspapers. He is the painter, the artist, sculptor, graphic designer, imager and journalist with Iranian history. His artistic activities began in 1973 to 1975 years. During those years, Divandari in the high School of the Ibn Dexter Sabzevar was also engaged in cartoon and design. The first signs of his presence in the press were also related to the same year, which was published by a plan on September 21, 1976 on the 3rd Kayhan newspaper number 9970. He entered the Faculty of Fine Arts in Tehran University in 1979, and began studying in graphic field. After the Cultural Revolution in universities, he returned to university in 1987, but 1991 in the last semester, the university left. Divandari with the establishment of Institute of Graphic Design of Iran in 1984, a more formal form to its graphical activities, and more than 30 posters were designed and implemented for Iran’s expensive community. He also worked as a graphic designer in the years 1990 to 1996 with the well-being and management knowledge. Divandari the 2001 International Graphic Humor Award of the Forte Museum dei Marmi Italy for its collections and activities.
The Divandari reputation is more due to the acquisition of numerous prizes in world exhibitions. He is from the first Iranian campaign to take part in international exhibitions from 1990, and over the course of several years he has won several awards, with the acquisition of 42 World Awards and an internal prize, published its works in 34 countries; he was hailed as the most honored exhibition cartoonist of the 1970s. In 1997, Divandari as secretary and chief executive Director of the first international Human cartoon Festival and Nature in Iran and in the same year traveling to the Netherlands as the first work of Iranian, the company participated in the annual meeting of the directors of European associations. He is also a member of jury of the first international cartoon competition at the 9th Tehran International Book Fair 1996, international cartoons and caricatures, Turkey 1997, competition of the atomic bomb of Gol Agha in 1999, photo contest and cartoons of bitter Songs of my homeland 2002 and the second cartoon festival Our crush was Sari 2015.
During his years of activity, he was a member of the jury in several cartoons exhibitions in Iran and Turkey, and published his works in exhibitions, magazines and newspapers 34 countries. He also formed a larger group of theatres and engaged in the design of the scene. The poster designed presentations and the members of the group were distributing in Sabzevar. From the earliest plays by the larger group on the scene, the alien, the Cage, is Adam, and the exception and the rule. Caricatures he has been in many domestic and international publications, including Hamshahri, Iran, Azad, Tavaana, solidarity, call of Qmes, Mahak, Mehr, weekly information, Akhtar, urban development, comic World, Rune World, Book of the Week, Sunflower, Nowruz, Iran News, Day message, new message, New life, new jasmine, humor and Caricature, nation, trust, statue, Gol Agha, east, the green Word and law, I am an Hua object جیه (漫画世界), my two-man io Hua (都市漫聿畫) and Jean Gu I Hua (中国漫画) in China, Остен, a Перець in Ukraine, La Stampa in Italy, Herêmî in Kurdistan, Penstuff in America and. Has been published. The Divandari works also by world-renowned museums such as museum Forte dei Marmi Italy, the Japanese O’mia Museum, the comic Museum of Poland, Turkey cartoon Museum of Yugoslavia, anti-war Museum of Yugoslav, Gabroo of Satyricon Legnica Museum, international cartoon Museum Poland Italy, museum The world cartoon University of Turkey Anadolu, museum International cartoon, Cyprus, Museum of Contemporary Art and Iranian artists ‘ house is maintained and in Argentina, Germany, the Americas, Spain, England, Ukraine, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, oranges, Taiwan, China, Russia, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Canada, Croatia, South Korea, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, India and Greece are showcased.
Divandari, about the first signs of his interest in the design says: Very soon opened the reigned painting in my heart. My first incentive in visual arts and especially painting was my mother. I learned komposision from the father of my teeth and I have a taste of humor from my grandfather (to Khorasani i.e. grandfather). The people of our village in their behavior and speech have a sharp humor that penetrates the bone marrow and if one is not overwhelming, it may be unconscious suicide. I believe the addressing cartoon is finally transferring to the its audience. Cartoon is a bitter and sweet extract of human thought and expressing most of themes with minimal materials (pen and paper) at the maximum circulation in the contemporary world. During its years of activity, he also has been drawing alongside cartoons and graphic design. In the mid-eighties, cartoons gave his second preference and further paid to painting. Surrealism, Action painting, Cubism, and abstract are among the most important styles in which he has dealt more in his collection and often work with oil and acrylic techniques on canvas and fiber. To date, the complete exhibition of Divandari paintings in Iran has not been established but some of them are showcased in the international Exhibition of the comic and press-san-le-Martel in France.
According to him, an Iranian artist has three major ways to present his work, first to show his works in a gallery, the second is to print them in a publication or book, and the Third way of participating in domestic and international collective fairs; In the present situation, the easiest and the most accessible way to have a healthy and artistic one is a cartoon, while maintaining personal independence, is participation in prestigious world exhibitions. However, however, Divandari has never participated in any of the two periods of Iran’s cartoon, and the cause of this withdrew from the internal arena is the most preferred of Iran’s Iranian association on Biennial Holding. He is among the few who have insisted on the necessity of establishing this society in these years. Divandari in an interview on this issue, the most important job of this association is to approve regulations for observing the rights of Labor in the press of Iran, and says: Unfortunately, there is no legal tariff in our work. While there are a lot of seemingly reputable newspapers in our country, but in these cases, they are strongly inhumane and unethical. A valid publication is a journal that itemauthors the rights of all their own, including authors, designers, and photographers. Unfortunately, however, the axioms are not clear for them that each work should be called the owner’s name, without the permission of the work, do not print it, or do not change the work without the permission of scissors. Some of them claim that they want to promote visual arts, while they openly violate the material and spiritual rights of artists.
From The Look of Others
There are two different perspectives in the opinion of the Divandari, a group of them believe that he has never been in the visual language and is more instinctive than the technical, in various works of changing the tone and style of data and from these scattered pieces can hardly be a character puzzle and His thoughts completed and spoke of something as a Divandari style in the design. In contrast to this, another view of his caricatures is technically capable of power in the design, the prolific, along with the ability to hatch and eye-catching compositions, and believe that his works, rather than the caricature exaggeration, is most of the designs that combine, with the S Using the techniques of conflict, inconsistency, heterogeneity and imbalance, the cartoon makes.
In the gathering of these views and looking at a more general collection, he can be found that Divandari in his work and sometimes test and error. A design with a single subject runs several times with different techniques and is subject to the arbitration of World exhibitions. What is more recognizable in the mental process of this artist is its periodic use of a particular element (element, motif, symbol) in different conditions and situations. By touching the book of Smiles Divandari, we can find a series of designs that use a single symbol, for example, the collection of Darabad, chairs, coffins, sheep, ants, planes, knights and… In the other hand, many do not bullying and individual in any group. Some believe that the Divandari use of symbols did not cause him to be biased towards a two-sided and multiple expression, the apparent humor of his works is nowhere to be left of his work, and it can be caricatures to his constant presence in the global cartoon arena, he has made his own explicit More pleasant. But in examining his caricatures, he should not neglect that Divandari was not guided to festivals, but was not far from pulling cartoons with political and social impasse. His works are not limited to a particular style and do not follow a single technique, sometimes with oil paints, sometimes acrylic, Colored pencils, watercolor, RAPI, canvas, fiber, cardboard, fabrics and even in some works by sticking the carpet on the canvas to the viewer. Some of his works are hardly limited to one of the areas of illustration, cartoons or paintings, but also a combination of them. But aside from these different visual forms, and the lack of lightness of the unit, which can be named as Divandari style, there is a common theme in the collections of his works to complete the character puzzle and his thoughts.
Poster Design
1987 – The first international Book Fair of Tehran
1989 – The second International Book Fair of Tehran
1996 – 2nd poster of IFLA General Conference
2004 – Poster of Book, Librarian and Information Day
Logo Design
– Marlick Sun Company Sign
– Tak Nama Company Sign
– Sahand Publishing Sign
– Iran Tiar Company sign
Cover Design
– Book Cover of Ghazal Forosh book, written by Ali Moeini
– Book Cover Atonement and seasons, written by Morteza Mahmoodi
– Book Cover of Public Library Books over time and challenges
– Cover of Quarterly Journal of Management Knowledge
One of the most important activities in this field is to design and implement the statue of the first and Second International Book Fair of Tehran in 1987 and 1989 and the prominent role of Mahmoud Dowlatabadi in order to Bozorgmehr publishing in 1988. He was looking for a mix of stone, wood and metal, and some of the works were showcased in his fairs, but Divandari activities in sculpture were not limited to his arrangement and conceptual works, and in 2005, he began to have a new experience and started To work with a pneumatic engraving machine, the result was to build two granite and marble sculptures in France.
1987 – The statue of the first Tehran International Book Fair
1989 – The statue of the Second Tehran International Book Fair
2005 – Marble Statue made in France
1988 – The highlight of Mahmoud Dolatabadi’s face
2001 – Smiling Lisa
In a series of designs and caricatures, he called his smile, and was published by Orifice Publishing at 270 black and white Page and ISBN 964-334-084-8. The graphic design of this collection was assumed by Jamal Rahmati. Divandari in the book: My main password was a cartoon with which I was flying and passing through the border of seven ancient countries, the lips of the Pacific sat down and my feet were in international water. The magic of humor and the picture, you need to watch it. The word here is narisis.
Individual Exhibitions
1976 – Kavir Sabzevar Gallery
1995 – Andisheh Gallery-50 effect
2000 – Abshar Sabzevar Art Home-30 cartoon
2002 – Gallery-30 cartoons and sculptures
2002 – Tabriz Yasemi Gallery-40 cartoon
2004 – Ardabil Young Cottage Gallery-36 cartoon
2004 – Isfahan cartoon house-40 cartoon and illustration
2004 – Third Gallery-28 cartoons and sculptures
2004 – Aban Gallery-30 cartoon and sculpture
Group Exhibitions
1994 – Afrand Gallery-8 cartoon
1995 – Iranian art gallery-10 cartoon
2007 – 12 Seyhoun Gallery-3 cartoons
Awards And Honors
1992 – The effect of merit of appreciation 13th international Caricature Yomiuri Competition
1992 – The best effect of the third International Caricature Usnetsk Festival in Japan
1993 – Special prize of the Seventh International Exhibition of sports humor design Ancona Italy
1993 – 3rd Prize of the 25th World Caricature Skopje International Exhibition of the Republic of Macedonia
1993 – Special prize of the 43th edition of the 41st International comic Expo Italy
1994 – The effect of appreciation of the Fourth International Caricature Seoul Festival of Korea
1994 – 4th prize of the sixth international Caricature Olen-Belgium Festival
1994 – The fifth prize of the Third International Caricature of the South Korea
1995 – The distinguished effect of the sixth International Caricature Usnetsk Festival
1995 – Special prize for the Fourth International Caricature of the South Korea
1995 – The 5th International Seoul Caricature Festival of Korea
1996 – The selected effect of seventh International Caricature Usnetsk Festival in Japan
1996 – The effect of appreciation of the 13th International Caricature Aydoghan, Turkey
1996 – The distinguished effect of the sixth International Caricature Festival «Seoul» South Korea
1996 – Special prize of the 19th International Exhibition Caricature Briingen Belgium
1997 – Fifth prize of the sixth International Caricature of the South Korea
1997 – International Exhibition of Caricature Sacin Poland
1997 – 8th International Caricature Usnetsk Festival
1997 – 2nd Prize of the first international Caricature Ofloon competition in Cyprus
1998 – 13th Special prize Caricature Slavonski Brod International Festival Croatia
1998 – The 7th Prize of the Seventh International competition Caricature of South Korea
1998 – The 8th International Festival of Caricature Omia, Japan
1999 – 1st prize of the first international competition Caricature KARC World Republic of China
1999 – Second Prize of the 4th International Festival of Humor and the Press of Jovinjak, France
2000 – The first international competition Caricature «Expo 2000» Germany
2000 – The 20th prize of Caricature “Molla Nasreddin” international competition in Turkey
2000 – The best of the Third international competition Caricature «Karc World» Republic of China
2001 – Special prize of the first international Mediterranean Caricature competition in Turkey
2001 – International Graphic Design Award twenty-ninth International political Humor Festival dei Marmi Italy
2002 – Second prize of the Second International Caricature independence competition in Ukraine
2002 – Third prize of the first International Festival of Caricature Lang in China
2002 – Special prize for the first international Caricature of the Hair Festival in China
2003 – The effect of appreciation of the Second international competition Caricature AQA Iran
2003 – The second best international competition of Caricature Lang in China
2004 – Third prize of the 2nd Caricature Free Internet Festival of China
2004 – The best of the Third international Caricature in the Chinese hair race
2006 – Selective effect of the first international competition Caricature China rejects
2006 – The selected effect of the fifth Caricature of the Chinese kartonet Free web Festival
2007 – The seventh prize of the 7th International Caricature Mediterranean Competition in Turkey
2007 – Effect of the first international biennial of Caricature and illustration of the Chinese master Cup
2007 – The effect of appreciation on the 16th International competition Caricature Dijun China
2008 – The second best international competition Caricature my Chinese rejection
2009 – The effectiveness of appreciation of the International Exhibition of Caricature and the Bulgarian jack
2010 – Special Award for First International Caricature Quebec Biana Competition
2013 – 2nd Prize of the first international Caricature exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey
2015 – 2nd International Cartoon Festival of Saitama: The Best of Japanese Nippon (JP)
Divandari articles in various fields of art and in particular the introduction of the world’s leading cartoonist, often accompanied by an interview with them were published from 1995 in publications such as the Kayhan, Hamshahri newspaper, the Book of Moon Art and Flower magazine, most of which are Presto:
– The world’s most famous cartoon museums
– About the Union of European Cartoonist Associations
– Books kambiz dermis Division
– Chinese political-social caricatures perspective
– International Cartoon Forte Museum dei Marmi Italy
– About Solius Medzioniis, Lithuania cartoonist
– About Dimitar Chudo, Macedonian cartoonist
– About Paulo Dalponth, Italian cartoonist
– About Zhang Zhuong Dao, Chinese cartoonist
– 2nd Ukrainian cartoon festival with independence theme
– About Sonchika Bouznomska, Lady cartoonist Macedonian
– About Stefan Yasnovsky, German cartoonist
– Establishment of the Dutch World Cartoon Festival and introduction of contemporary Dutch artists
– About Samih Balaji Oglu, cartoonist Turk
– About Kamel Yaoz, cartoonist Turk
– About Patrick Pinter, cartoonist and French sculptor
– About Hisham al-Sakari, Egyptian cartoonist
– About Dr. Ronaldo Kens Diaz, Brazilian cartoonist
Ali Divandari to receive his prizes and attend the international cartoon exhibitions, has visited 11 countries in the world and published some memories in the form of logbook in Iranian publications. Ali Baba and Forty Carphis, the name of one of these trips, is a kind of logbook that deals with the basics of travel and familiarity with the present work in World Festival of Saint-Just-le-Martel, France. There is also a humorous tune in his Netherlands journeys, which divandari to travel to this country from seven Khan. Only the first two parts of the itinerary, as travel to the land of Tulips and Don Quixote II in the land of Wind mills have been published by eliminating many parts in Iranian publications.