● Birthplace: Tehran
● Died: 5 October 2001 in Tehran
He was born in Salsabil neighbourhood of Tehran. His father was a tobacco worker, singing poetry and playing loneliness himself. His family had many relatives in Araq. His grandfather and great-grandfather were the great landlords. As a child, he was the only son of a family and had three sisters named Butterfly, Chastity and Forough. He began his education at age 6 and at age six, and finally, at year 6, received a degree in natural sciences and then dropped out. He practiced music without having a master, and with his interest in rock music, especially Ray Charles, he practiced. Origin of Fereydoon Foroughi comes to Naraq area near Delijan. To get there you have to go from Qom to Kashan and enter the central province. When Fereydoon was born, the government of the time considered Naraq a village. And Fereydoon calls it his village. But Fereydoon Foroughi was ten years old when his ancestral village changed its fabric and became the city of Naraq at the will of the government due to its growing development. At the age of 9, he began to play music together with a group of musicians, performing various western songs and songs of that time, especially blues music, and continued his career until the age of eight. It was during this time that after a love affair, he stopped playing music for a while. In the late forties, he became an acclaimed singer of old Tehran nightclubs and the star of famous cafes such as Markiz and Kakule. The heyday of Fereydoon Foroughis work before the revolution goes back to the 1950s. When the government feared the continuation and spread of protests, with the growing influence and authority of SAVAK, there was a climate of terror everywhere. But over the years, the introduction of Fereydoon ؛ Foroughi and Farhad with an adventurous composer changes the situation for all three.
In year 1973, Amir Naderi’s film Thirsty, with its melodious and stirring melodies, had a blazing sound to its title. In the same year, Foroughi performed several songs, the most notable of which was Prayer (or “Need” in the Savak narrative), with a poem by Shahriar Ghanbari and music by Esfandiar Monfaredzadeh. A song that leads to the interrogation of all three by SAVAK. He sings the song “Fresh Air” on the colorful television program this year, and also this year, at the request of Farzan Deljou, playing a song for the Yaran movie, starring and directing Deljou.
In Year 1971, the director of Adamak’s film Khosrow Hrithash was trying to find a new singer introduced to him by Fereydoon Foroughi, and by whispering the songs once, Khosrow Hrithash realized that he had found the person he was looking for. As a result, he performs two songs for the film Haritash, with music by Toraj Sha’ban Khani and lyrics by Lobat Wala. After the release of the film, the two-page version of these two songs will be released in popular retailers such as Al Cordobes, Pop, Disco, Beethoven and Pars. These two songs flower and fall on the tongues, and Fereydoon Foroughi gains fame. Although at that time he was crushed to mimic Farhad’s voice, he was no longer overshadowed by the name of his beloved singer Ray Charles. After some time, Farshid Ramsey, director of the TV show Six and Eight, signs a contract with Fereydoon Foroughi, leaving Farrighi’s work after five years of similar reading. Ray Charles Robinson, born Henry Ray Charles, was born on September 1, 2008 and died on June 2, the famous American piano and electric keyboard player and jazz and rhythm and blues singer. The collaboration with Farshid Ramsey gives birth to works such as: Prisoner of Heart and Loneliness, with poems by Arash and composing by William Enoch, the former turning Foroughi into a stylist. Bootstrap seduction, produced by Homayoun Bahadaran, was the second feature film that Foroughi released a song of the same name in 5 years. In the same year, a friend of his meets Goli Fotorchi and marries him.
In year 1353, Foroughi is separated from his husband due to a lack of understanding. In the same year: Always absent with a poem by Shahriar Ghanbari, William Keno’s music and Varoujan’s arrangement (previously performed by William Keno’s poem, Tired Fish). Becoming a seasoned artist, he has been collecting his work and releasing his first album, Zendon Dell. Releases his second album, Yaran, in Year 2, and is banned for two years because of the song “Hunger,” by the Imperial government. In year 3, after the government declared political openness, Foroughi released his third album, Year of Famine, after two years of work ban. In February of this year, his father dies of pneumonia.
In year 1978, as the political situation in Iran deteriorates, Foroughi announces his protest against the country’s situation by releasing his album Breakthrough, and this year he sings a song called Prostitution that never gets a license. In year 3, after the pizozi of the revolution, Foroughi stayed in Iran and performed a concert that included the songs in the album: Fereydoon Foroughi in a new beginning. ) And is a villain that did not appear in Foroughi’s book. Following the release of this cassette, in the year 9, Foroughi plays a schoolboy song for the film From Shout to Assassination, directed by Mansour Tehrani, used in movie titles. While no formal ban has been announced yet on Foroughi’s work, Tehrani has been told that he must remove Foroughi’s voice from the title of his film. As a result, Jamshid Jam begins to sing this song. At the same time, there are whispers of a ban on the activity of Foroughi. He sang Alley of My Heart in the same year.
Foroughi in year 1360, sings a few songs along with a few songs by Cyrus Yaghmaei in an album titled “Gale” and during the years 4 and 5, the four-part song: Why Not? Creates and executes. He has been banned from doing so for years. In the year 3 trip to Dubai, Foroughi went on to join artists away from home, but suggestions from overseas producers did not satisfy him. In March 2009, he is introduced to Lacey Equinand, and in June 2008, they get married. Marriage brings a positive change in his life and resumes. Poetry says, composes songs and starts teaching. In March 2009, he was able to give a concert in the Hafiz Hall of Kish University. Arrives in Tehran after 7 days of concerts in Kish. Despite requests from other cities to give concerts, it is not being accepted in other cities, and Foroughi returns to Kish in the summer and fall – again to perform at the Annie Kish Hotel. In April 2009, on the suggestion of Hamid Reza Ashtianipour (Director) and hoping to get a license, the song: Thirood reads Mahtab with a poem by Nima Yooshij for a girl called Thunder, but the circumstances do not change. However, Foroughi’s song is played at the end of the film at the Fajr Film Festival. Prior to this, Kiomars Pour Ahmad could not get his license as an actor for the film Ice Flower, whose story was about the life of a doomed singer.
He died of a heart attack at age 9 on Friday, 13 October 2001, at his home in Tehran Pars. He was buried in the quaint village of Buqin Zahra Qazvin, next to a small pond, in the shade of a large mountain in the peace that had been waiting for him for years. Shahyar Ghanbari, singer, songwriter, songwriter and longtime friend of Fereydoon Foroughi says of his death: Fereydoon Foroughi dies a second time. The first time he died when he couldn’t read and the second time he died. He killed Fereidun in oblivion.
A documentary called My Village, about the life and death of late Fereydoon Foroughi, directed by Mehran Zint, has been published by the Beethoven Institute. In year 1388, eight years after Foroughi’s death, songs: Sad Rope, Sadness on Sadness (both of Gharamaleki) and Tired Fish, Year 2, with Foroughi, Nelly and Keyvan, and two songs by My Love Is in the Hot Town and I Live with Your Dream have been released online. Arash Ghasemi, lawyer for the Foroughi family, insisted that the songs be released inside Iran along with other works by Fereydoon.
1971 – Song: Dummy and My Butterfly – For The Dummy movie
1971 – Song: Tired Fish – with the sound of Foroughi, Nelli and Keyvan
1972 – Song: Chakmeh Pooshan Sedition – For the title of the movie Chakme Pooshan Sedition
1973 – Song: Tangna – for the title track of Tangna movie
1973 – Singer of the Virgin movie
1973 – Singer of Keyfar Music
1973 – The performances of several songs, the most prominent of them “Prayer” (or need, in the story of Savak)
1973 – Song run: Fresh Air – For the Colourful (Rangarang) TV show
1973 – Song performance: for Yaran movie
1974 – Song Performance: Always Absent
1974 – Zendoon Del album
1975 – Yaran Album
1977 – Ghahti Year album
1978 – The Idol Breaker
1978 – Song: Prostitute (unlicensed)
1979 – Foroughi’s album at the beginning of a new era – Foroughi’s concert songs in 1979 in Iran – This album is also known as Two Black Eyes.
1979 – Song: Tahereh (Poem by Tahereh Ghorat ol-Eyn)
1980 – Song: Yar Dabestani – For the title of the film from Faryad to Terror (This song was removed from the title of the film and was not licensed)
1980 – Song: Alley of My Heart
1981 – Sol album (Collaboration between Kourosh Yaghmaei and Fereydoun Foroughi)
1981 – Four-part song: Why not?
1998 – Four days of concerts in Hafez Hall of Kish University
1999 – Performing a concert in Ana Kish Hotel
2000 – Song: Mitaravad Mahtab – For the movie A Girl Called Thunder
2000 – Concert at Anna Kish Hotel – Autumn 2000