● Birthplace: Tabriz
● Died: 8 December 2022 in Tabriz
He was born in Qarebaghi alley of Tabriz. He was son of Qoli Khan Salar, known as Sari Qoli Khan, one of famous humorists of Azerbaijan. After his first secondary school in Badr, Tehran, he return to Tabriz and began his music school since 1959 and in June 1964 , he graduated as a music teacher at the schools of Kermanshah to employ Ministry of Culture. In late 1968 , he was transferred to Tehran and was working in the Opera group, while singing in Tehran’s choir group after his departure and return from Italy, as the bass soloist of Tehran, held many roles in various performances. Master Qarebaghi, a PhD in classical singing (Grade 1 of Art), is from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic guidance. Trumpet, he is a specialized instrument but is also familiar with the piano and violin. In a way that the vocal training has been taught for years. After the Islamic revolution, he was active in IRIB to cooperate with the music unit of the organization and became a war-themed. Over eight years of war, more than 800,000 singing and playing in the choir group had an important role. The leadership of the choir group of Vahdat Hall, the leadership of the choir group of IRIB, head of the Center for Anthem and the revolutionary songs, is the director of the classical song of Music house, responsible for radio music and vice president of Iranian Artists Association. First of his radio enforcement in 1971, a anthem: A Iran-led Iranian national Radio Orchestra with Farhad Fakhreddini’s leadership. In recent years, he has made an epic fragments with the title of Aras Symphony and Persian Gulf Symphony. But undoubtedly, the work that has spread over any other work, from Iran’s voice and television, America’s anthem, the US, the disgrace to your deception with his voice that his music has made Ahmad Ali Ragheb, and his poetry, Hamid Sabzevari, is a poem. He was attending a couple of films as well as vocals, musician or actor.
Book: Born in February
Book Reader: The American stigma of his deception was published by the Education Office. According to the news agency, the voices of Esfandiar Qarbaghi have been linked to a global phenomenon these days, the phenomenon of the phenomena. This sound, intermediary and carrier is the most prominent musical piece of our age, the eternal anthem of America: The US will have a disgrace in the special location of the year 1980, so that the arrogance of antisemites, a expressive laryngeal in the face of the great devil.
The Book of memories of this memorable face of the revolution music is produced by the Office of Islamic Revolution’s cultural front studies and is distributed by the publishing of education to make a corner of the great world of music experience in the era of the revolution. Book: Born in February, from the series of oral history books, the Islamic Revolution’s cultural front, a 20 -hour conversation with Esfandiar Qarbaghi, who coincided with 13 Aban (November 4), at the Specialized Conference of the Islamic Revolution’s cultural front in Mashhad, has been unveiled in the book, the important sections of the story of music Iran, since the 1980s, has been reviewed in the form of Ostad Qarbaghi’s memoirs.
Another important chapter of the book is the readout of events and music of the people, along with the days and nights leading to February 2000, but the brightest part of the book, is that Esfandiar Qarbaghi with the arrival of the IRIB Music Center, together with a collective of the names of poetry and music of the day, to create Pieces and works of the work, such as: The America’s disgrace to your deception and hundreds of effects, and the audience, by reviewing the memoir of Gharghbaghi, also reads the history of the Revolution music. The book has been interviewed and edited by Ruhollah Rashidi.
Khatereh Anthem: Americas America
I appreciate the Imam Khomeini’s handwriting
Esfandiar Gharghbaghi, singer of the famous anthem: America America, a disgrace to your deception, responded to some questions in an interview with the eastern newspaper.
What was the creation of America’s American anthem?
At night, the deceased of Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini, with two, three members of IRIB speak and propose to be made a piece related to the United States. Hamid Sabzevari wrote a poem, Ahmad Ali Ragheb, gives a melody, and Seyed Mohammad Mirzamani. Then the reader who does not call his name would suggest you read the job. But he does not accept and says, I have a woman and a child. The next time I come and record the work. I think, from the beginning of the anthem, he had a total of 48 hours, all the time they worked to make a song ready to play.
You’ve recently made another piece about America, which is a few days on occasion to be published on 13 Aban (November 4). How do I read another work again about America?
In the last few years, I have had some of the most important of them: July Nimrod to the deaths of Iranian passenger aircraft. In this crime, the Americans were killed 290 of our countrymen and then represented the commander of the aircraft by firing the Iranian airliner. You know what the United States has to do with us from 28 Mordad (August 19) and what is in the Middle East today. I wrote this piece for the same reason. The name of this piece is not a compromise, and I have asked the melody to be close to the same melody as America America. I also confiscated my poem and last week we recorded it with some members of the Tehran Symphony Orchestra. Other than that recently, I made a piece about Israel.
Published this piece?
not yet. Incidentally, I was reading it in the early days of my trip to Lebanon. We 105 the guest of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and it was interesting that the same day in the Israeli radio announced that 105 force from Iran arrived in Lebanon! In Ghana, we especially benign the front of the Israeli wall, which was full of the Israeli camera and microphone.
Was this a choir with you?
no. I was just my reader. I worked a few minutes in the rest of the group to tell Israel instead of the chorus. Indeed, a cleric was accompanied by us to think that he was a Minister of Ministers. I also read the job. The night was at Beirut returned and around 3 a.m. when Israel ran the hotel with a rocket.
Were you not worried about being a kind of incitement to read?
Yes, this is a risk. However, there are always these risks. In the same house, it is possible for everyone to come in in any way. I have to do it for him and then I will happen.
You were musicians to have been very active in the radio and television years after the revolution, but at the same time, especially in recent years, you have been very criticized by IRIB.
You see that the IRIB is angry with music or I don’t herself it. On the one hand, he wants to say that we are very bound and do not work with music and it is forced to condemn the music in all its programs. I have always said, please do not at least talk to me of a solvent or a haraam music. Because you do not have any specialized in music. You are people like me, what right do you have to give me religious science lessons? In this country, the supreme leader, and whenever you deem, are instructed to not play music. So when such a command has not been issued, that is free and should be worked. I have been from the Imam’s gold medal of War, I have the handwriting of Imam, who have appreciated me, then the word does not stay for other views. The Prophet Ayatollah Khamenei expressly informed us that he would save music. What does the rescue music mean? Do you have to cut Head?