● Birthplace: Zahedan
He started his career before Islamic revolution in Zahedan radio, which was newly opened, in summer of 1959, as a writer, producer, actor, etc. Started. During the service, it worked at the Air Force radio at the time, and after that, in May 1963, he entered Iran’s radio and continued its work officially. Master Amir Noori has spoken in various radio programs today that one of his outstanding works is to sing the Rabbana of the voice of Shajarian. He has been working on the radio for more than five decades, he knows he loves radio and is quite prejudice to it. The love of poetry and literature works in all its conversations. In his opinion, whatever you want to learn to be a means of life, you have to love romance. He is among the few musicians who are not only fluent in the language of the criterion, but familiar with its laws and rules. He was quoted as a teacher, and then he worked as an employee in the Ministry of Finance. From the same period, he reads the story, poetry and Literature (Hafez’s song, Shahnameh, story of thousands and one nights, Mokhtarnameh, etc.). I still did not go to school to send me to our neighbor’s house, which was a family, and I then opened the book to see what my father read, and there were posts in the form of a token, so I was interested to learn. In fact the same time I sounded and read poetry in my ears. Our house was in the Shapour neighborhood, the minister of Race and went to the military high school, and took the alarm of poetry and fiction and took the speaker for the kids and everyone listened and liked. Some nights, in our own home, or in my Uncle Abad, we were renting books. At the time of the school, in Rumi, Iran was a bookstore, and we were renting a book at the night of a rial, and the winters were saying that they would read the book and the rest were listened to. The teacher of our literature at high school, who was a moderator, when I understood my poetry and literature and poetry, I would say that hours that were unemployed, I worked with me on the weight of poetry and segmentation. Mr. Ghavami, when I’m interested in my vision, and I have the ability to talk about a journal course about segmentation and scientific poetry, and was written by Parviz Khanlari and bought me a gift that I still kept.
He added: My father was taken to the Ministry of Finance in Zahedan and I was being a diploma at the time, so after I got the diploma exam, I went to Zahedan. Radio in Zahedan had just opened and advertised that they would want to be a speaker, colleague and writer. Because I knew I would be interested and able to do so, I went to the radio ad’s address, I said, I have come to the radiance. Then Mr. Aminzadeh, a portable device that recorded my voice, and I also read a story. Mr. Davood Fakhr, a radio manager who later loved together, heard my voice and said the recording was sufficient and good. I started my work at the same time. I was a speaker at the outset, but because I had the ability to make authorship and producer, actor, director. Luckily, the time was especially in the city of the person who had the ability to work.
After a while, I had to take a military service to Tehran, and Davood Fakhr said we could be able to get you through, but after consultation with my family and friends, I would have better to do my service. I was ready to serve and draw for six months and I had to serve. There was an Air force-end radio, at the Air Force Officers Club, whose name: The Air Force radio and I discovered that radio would be a power for the speech, writing and acting. The radio had different programs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the people were listening, so I was trying to participate, and about 200 or 300 people had come, two days later, saying that I had been first. I was working to start a service on phone and show apps. He pointed out to his military service period, says the second day of service in reign of Abad, after the parade was resting that a Jeep car came to the middle of the field and Mohsen Farid of my radio buddy I walked out of it and said aloud : “I have a letter to you from Air Force Radio to get a two day weekly to the Air Force radio, and the card will continue to be debt.” I was very happy with this, and on Monday and Thursday I would go to the Air Force radio. Unfortunately, my father died in the middle of my service, but I had to take six months of different things so that my friends said you had the ability to go to Iran’s radio.
This veteran speaker about the start of his activism on the Iranian radio: one day I went to Iran’s radio in Arg square and my aunt’s son, Mr. Sadrai, who was in education and had a prep, introduced me to the radio. After I read a piece of poetry and a few more, they said, come next week. The next week I went to take my answer, a man, who was in the title of a harmony, he said that he went to listen to his voice. I’ll now call the sound to hear the spiritual Master and bliss. He left my voice and lifted it at the same time, the Master Taqi Rohani and said, “Your voice?” I said yes; Then Master Mahmoud Saadat said the young voice? I said yes, saying it’s good, stamps have my voice. The emotional lady came and said to what a good voice. Then Mr. Sabet stated that he was accepting his faith? He said: “Mr. Rouhani and Mr. Saadat liked him and Mr. Imani Faith said to me, God has led you to me. I said why? He said that I was a afternoon for the radio and I was working, and everything I did was somebody left me. Now you have to accept my place of money, let’s go to show you the radio, so I have to play radio and the Command room. The radio law was to announce that newcomers to the Radio five, six months to a year were announced to be familiar with space, so I started out the same day, and I was announcing the plan for three months. When I realized I had the ability to have a program called: Radio in the next 24 hours, I was going to run along with Ms. Molud Kanani, who had just come to the radio. Fortunately, a few or two months of appreciation, we were encouraged to have worked well.
Master Nouri refers to its work activities in the field of news and says: There are a few studios in the radio building that I went to one of the studios a day with a few news papers and 15-minute bars. Mr. Moinian was the radio director and said, “What would you do?” I said in a studio that was empty, I was practicing news, and he ordered me to read the three-minute news on my head for two or three days later. After I saw that I could have been able to read the detailed news of the time of 7 and 8 a.m., 2 p.m. and 9 nights. After a while, I was selected from among a number of participants for Mr. Soheyli’s poetry and music program and I was running the Karavan music and poetry program.
He continued with the expression of a memory: a day in the program: The culture of the people, who worked with late Anjavi, had read the morning and afternoon, and dusk, the Master of Farazmand, who was informed of the story, said Amir nights and read news, because Mr. Rouhani does not come. And at 9:30 p.m., I came out of the studio, I saw the Master Farazmand that would walk in the Radio Hall. I said why? He said, because you were tired of accepting that you were exhausted and informed me, so I stayed to take you to dinner with your boredom. This indicates that the managers of the time were the most powerful.