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Mohsen Seif

Birthday: 23 July 1952
Birthplace: Tehran
Died: 4 November 2016 in Tehran

He started writing at a young age in 1960s. He was engaged in writing criticism of literary and cinematographic stories and stories for children. The late Mohsen Seif wrote and published Shahnameh tales in a simple and readable language. His most important feature was his prose, and he was not taken to his own. Because of the old of this arena, he did not loan the kind of writing of his criticism from nowhere. Even the kind of indications was unique. Unlike many who are in the field of criticism, he had a pen and a pristine look. The type of writing and his pen, the news of mastering the literature, and in fact, his life is as a cinematic effect. This is known to those who have read Spring in the issue of Norouz, the film’s monthly magazine, Spring snatching from the crow’s beak. Seif’s detailed essay – part of a novel about to be published – narrated with agile and shocking prose, the story of his successful attempt to break free from addiction. Perhaps for this reason, after printing that number, several directors contacted him and asked him to convert his story to the script and to consult and then set the contract, the opportunity to meet. To witness all the masters of Iran’s cinema, literature, and cinema were considered an integral part of his life. He has a book called The Land of the stamp. Where about fifteen Shahnameh stories to be prose and eloquent with prose. Contrary to similar cases, it is not swooped in the Shahnameh language, which has stopped in order to become prose and has ignored the strength of Ferdowsi’s word in this transition.

For nearly fifty years, he had a professional career in the pre-revolutionary cinematic press with his name and nicknames. Mohsen Seif, despite his lack of work in film criticism and controversy, had a distinctive and independent writing style and perspective. He had the mastery to deal with his work based on his genre and world and his constructive worldview and to concentrate his style of prose on the same areas of poetry, melodramatic themes, social attitudes, and so on. But the most notable feature of Mohsen Seif is the range of social outlooks that his performance was presented with an unmistakable and pleasing prose. It is no small achievement for a writer and critic to undoubtedly trace his origins to the strange social wanderings of his youth.

Late Mohsen Seif, from 1969 to 1970, was working in the field of criticism and other writings with journals like: Ferdowsi, Cinema and White And Black (Siah o-Sefid), and sometimes even in the position of an editor in the Shadow, in the publications that worked with them. He had no habit of being a blaze, and was also more in his own social relations, and he was not well known in spite of its capabilities. All his content and writings relying on the experience, studies and much knowledge, was a cumulative of various information. It usually examines the trend and history, and was not involved in a deeply-focused point.

He had been hospitalized for a while due to gastrointestinal illness, died in Tehran at 6 a.m. on Friday November 5, 2016.

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