● Birthplace: Azerbaijan
He has a bachelor’s degree in Persian literature from Tehran University and has been introduced as one of the top ten best 30 years of cinema after the revolution. His manners and behaviour in such a way that the country’s cinema and especially the younger generation of cinema considered him as a compassionate and loving teacher for the cinema of this border and his habitual presence in the festivals of short films, experimental, documentary, and his compassionate attention to the independent cinema and The young cinema has confirmed these blessings during many years. His view to the cinema is not hostile in any way. Although the critics of cinema are often looking for an fault and the use of art works, the peace of the film will see the atmosphere of the film to be written and guide the audience to enjoy these positive points. He has long been with a lot of Golmakani in the magazine of film and The Donyaye Tasvir, Monthly Magazine (Image World), and he has been specialized in the criticism of his film and his critiques, the pattern of many critics, and the young heritage of his literary and cultural capital and his wealth. The peace master of the atmosphere is a critic that takes less to the film’s offices and becomes less search in filming locations. But until Accessorize wants to go in theaters and classrooms and universities, the word and his name and work are the language of the press and staff and residents of the cultural and artistic publications.
He had a lot of short films in the film, along with Kianoush Ayari and Kambuzia Partovi, before he was professionally writing a movie…, it has been a long-standing film in a young cinema, unlike some critics like air. C. Karimi and… Movie reviews do not know a stair for filmmaking and trend to make a film. However, the point that a tahmasp is the peace of mind among other colleagues, his special attention to the discussion of young cinema and education. The peace of mind that some of the short-term cinema in Iran is even more professional than cinema, as many of the compassionate and cultural leaders of culture and art believe: the young cinema and our short cinema, due to its potential talent and potential, requires an all-inclusive and more serious support The cultural and artistic custodians of Iran, and one of the challenges and problems of the Iranian short cinema in this point, knows that in many of the works of short Iranian prominent, the films remain in the same elementary, and the filmmakers of the short films and especially the youth of our cinema are of correct and principled The their of their works, which is also due to the non-disciplinary training of young students and the principles of academic education in artistic disciplines and especially cinema.
He knows short film a huge cultural chain and believes, if we want to conduct research and research about culture, customs, community changes and lifestyle of people, short films are one of the most richest sources to display the history of a land from different angles. Master TAHMASB Solhjoo, about the impact of professional cinema on short film says: I think that the short film is not affected by the professional film space. Usually in our country, Cedar takes short films and videos and makes it a short film, if the short film and short animation have its own position. There are false look into the short film. Short film The ladder is not the entrance to a professional cinema and this issue is a misunderstanding of a look. In fact, managers and custodians should pay attention to the correct position of the short film, because the short film has not found its place and identity right now. By stating that the sample short film is not working and the film testing is not considered, he said, “the short film in the shortest time may be a matter.” It is the filmmaker who needs to choose his own path and wishes to enjoy the short film or pay a long film. But what is concerned to our executives is not having the instructions to work out in the professional space. There is no honor that our short filmmaker will bring to the high cinema.
The former president of the Iranian Society of critics and writers, the role of the economy in the short film, stipulates: In the whole world the economy has no role in short films. It’s not supposed to be a short film to be built. Cinema is a professional film for a general audience and is screened and has its own box. Although the short film is not a cinema, it should not be considered a papiers cinema. All cinema should be professional cinema and we need to have a laboratory cinema as well. Cinema when it’s working properly, there are a variety of streams in it. These streams include the screening, costs, cultural institutions, IRIB, etc. Becomes. The peace of the atmosphere that the critics and the old lovers of cinema for the spectators of love to the cinema says. The Zaven Ghokasian learns that a real lover was a cinema and with a certain sadness in the voice of his childhood friend, Iraj Karimi speaks that it was wise to love the cinema.