● Birthplace: Tehran
● Died: 1 September 2013 in Tehran
He started working in art of dubbing in 1960 and has been working as a dubbing director since 1967. He has spoken of an important actors like Woody Allen and Stan Laurel. A different type of comedy in the movies and cartoons is the feature of his voice. From his persistent cartoon brigade, one can be found in Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (Meister), The Great Grape Ape Show (Bigli Bigli), Gadget Detective, Thousand Ducks Castle, Robin Hood (King/Prince John), the Mane (Maid/Edgar), Shalmann (Cartoon Bamzi) and the show is a chubby and lean teddy (fat) and The Littl’ Bits (Uncle Belfi) pointed. He was the creator of comedy films like: Franco Frankie, Woody Allen, Bud Abbott, Stan Laurel, Bahman Yar, Dariush Asadzadeh, Ezatollah Vosough, and Antonio Griffo Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno Porfirogenito Gagliardi De Curtis di Bisanzio (Totò). He also dealt with the series of Hezardastan, and in the series of John Napoleon, the role of the mother of the Aspiran Ghias Abadi, played by Parvin Soleimani with his voice. He has been quoted as a voice of actors to their own! The characteristics of his voice were different types of comedy in movies and cartoons. Radio Role Playing: Rahmat Gerdchagheh, in Morning of Friday with you, from the sweet memories of the presence of a living in the radio.
Late Asghar Khajeh Afzali, on Sunday, September 01, 2013, he died at his home in the age of 75, due to myocardial infarction.
Composer fixed films by Woody Allen-make money and escape, Annie Hall and…
1940 – The Great Dictator – Instead of Charlie Chaplin
1970 – Red Circle-instead of Andrea Boerville
1958 – Les Miserables-instead of Andrea Boerville / Mr. Tenardiyah
– The strongest bear in the World /Shalman (turtle)
– The Great Grape Ape Show – Bigli Bigli
– Inspector Gadget / Inspector Gadget
– A Thousand Ducks Castle / Donald Duck
– Robin Hood / King / Prince John (Lion)
– Aristocratic Cats / Servant: Edgar
– The Littl’ Bits – Uncle Belfi
– Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl – Meister
– Anime Rango
TV Series
– In the Hezardastan Series instead of Manouchehr Azari and a few other personalities
– In the series of John Napoleon, the role of the mother of Aspiran Ghias Abadi, played by Parvin Soleimani