● Birthplace: Tehran
In 1978, he graduated from University of Toronto in Canada in architecture. In the year 1982, the Cranbrook in the Academy of Arts in the United States of Michigan, USA, under Daniel Libkind. He started his career with the establishment of the office of “the neo-axis consulting engineers” in Los Angeles and then continued with the title of the “Lionheart and Kipenile Consulting engineers” in London. The Office of the Year 1997 Solar and the name “Lionheart Consulting Engineers and colleagues” in Tehran followed the work of architecture. Bahram Shirdel, in addition to conducting professional architecture projects, has dealt with architecture as the manager and master of Architecture design program in the London School and also as a master at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Harvard University and other universities in America and Europe. His architecture has been exhibited in many different publications and exhibitions around the world. He is one of the Iranians who was able to raise important issues in the field of architecture at the end of the Decade 80. He studied in Canada and has a history of presence in architect and architecture lecturer abroad and inside the country. Master Shirdel, in critics of the fourth decade of life, is regarded as the author of the world’s leading architects, especially in the Fulding Approach, but the final decade of his career, especially the last 5 years, has been a professional life in the halo of isolation. He has won an award in various competitions until 1997 years abroad. It is said that many young Iranian architectural figures, such as Kamran Afshar Naderi and Reza Daneshmir, were active in the office in Iran.
In the year 1994, after a long migration, he came to Iran for a short time and in his interviews and speeches, news of the formation of a new flow in the Western architecture, which was different from what they would do in the academic environment in Iran in the decade of 70. The main argument of Lionheart was the formation of “third space.” The third space discussion for the Iranian academic environment, which around and around the modern post space of Robert Venturi and the history of Louis Kan and somewhat of the architecture, was very unexpected and shock. In his interviews and lectures, he tried to describe “the third space.” The “Third space” raised by him is something different from modern architecture before modern architecture. “My architecture accepts the world with all its good and evil,” he told his views. It accepts evil because they are it out of the other. My way of working is not a style, my work doesn’t have a edge. “
He also adds, “I’m not so willing to think of architecture as an art, but I’m looking to know how to make the architecture a string of science that works as physics and mathematics in the technology as well as the scientific phenomena to advance A human being can help, the architecture also finds this mission. In all societies this debate is whether the modernism should still continue or return to the pre-modern architecture. I call one “the first space” and the other “Second Space”. If our task is in the production architecture, we must create nothing but the two that have called it “Third Space”.
The Master Shirdel’s discussions and ideas must be searched in architectural developments after the Dikonanduction and mainly Folding Architecture. He is familiar with the theoretical issues of architecture, but it is not a particular word, nor does he expect to express the theoretical issues of architecture. His theoretical foundations in the field of aesthetic and transformation are distant and this aesthetic, rooted in technology and advanced computer programs.
The design styles of her works are categorized into the following categories:
– Using of fold geometry diagrams
– Use of art form diagram
– Using form-no-center diagrams
The Alexandria Library project in Egypt, the conference hall “Sara” in Japan, is among the matches he has received in that award. Lionheart has designed two national Museum of Water in Iran. The Kansai Library is also a design of his works. Iran’s Export Development Bank competition, the plan for the development of Iran’s shrine and the Iranian Embassy in Brazil, is from the tournament that Lionheart has succeeded in receiving an award inside the country. He is also a designer of the National Museum of Scotland, a competition in the Nara Conference hall, urban Design in the Los Angeles and… Is.
1979 – Get a silver medal «Christopher Ren» from the Canadian Association of Architects and the British Queen Representative
1992 – 1996 – Head of Architecture design program in London A.A.
1995 – Get the Gold badge for urbanism in Shangluo new city in China