● Birthplace: Tabriz
● Died: 29 August 2018 in Ohio – USA
In 1933, he made first photographic experience and prints and advent of photographs. In 1941, for the first time in a photography contest that arranged the cultural association of Iran and France and won the contest first. In April 1955, he began a professional photography studio with the opening of the conductor and established the first Iranian photography class in the summer of the year. He was a photographer at the general public for years. Since 1970, he was the director of the Department of Photography and head of the Art campus of Tehran University and until the end of the academic year 1987, he paid a four-year photography course at the university. In 1983, he founded the field of photography separately in universities and therefore, he considered the designer and founder of photography in Iranian universities. Although his photography activities have different types of photography, but the reputation of late master Mirhadi Shafaieh is more than a portrait and a large number of artists and figures on the front of the Shafaieh camera lens. The most famous of his works in this area are portraits of: Nima Yooshij, Ahmad Shamloo, Ardeshir Mohasses, Samin Baghtcheban and other literary and artistic celebrities. Professional Photography of museum art objects and artistic portraits is one of the most prominent activities that has carried out in the years of professional activity in the 1980s. Master Shafaieh, immigrated to the United States in 1988 and continued to work and live until the end of life in Ohio. Valuable book: Fan and Photographic art is a book in the photography of his pen, which has been published by the Scientific and cultural Publishing company in Tehran in 1993, and is among the first compiled books of photography education which has been studied in almost the majority of its students. He died at the age of 95.
The text of Master Hadi Shafaieh on the second round of Turquoise Photo Festival in Tabriz from: Dublin/Ohio – November 1, 2009
In the name of the Creator
Eighty years ago great photos of Lumiir posters, renowned French factory photography appliances that time, in the seven-year-old Hadi, had the effect of the path of his life.
The development of Iranian photography art, without the moment, knows that it is. The company’s representative in Iran with my father was “Shafaieh” and I had all the necessary materials in abundance.
I was ten years old, I had a step in this long way, I took the first photo of the house maid and I walked very soon. Alas, none of those works are left to be on the path of Iranian photography as the first place to be someone who has finally stepped at the university and instituted his heavy burden at the academic authority on Earth.
Too bad I was unaware of “the day” of such a day.
Since I live and the outcome of my theme I see my eyes today, and they are pooyandegan of this way of forget, and I wish to thank them for the rich days of success and shine.
The photo of that servant is empty
Hadi Shafaieh
From the look of others
Dr. Farhad Fakhirian, from the first group of Hadi Shafaieh photography students and with a history of more than 30 years of photography teaching in Iran universities… The highest degree required for recruitment as a photographer-reporter, you were a cycle of newspapers, 9 literacy classes… Called in such conditions Dr. Shamfayeh, the social and material position of Dr. Pharmacist abandoned and went to photography… The book has been bought in a tutorial and started learning from the beginning, and so it is familiar with the photography of the world… With Cartier, Barson and Ansel Edmaz and Joseph his work and Robert Kappa had avoid… I don’t remember telling me when they were trying to sell me 3000 Tomans of land on Keshavarz Boulevard on the current Vesal., I’m not going to Josh this Leica camera 3200 Tomans and I’m not sorry either…!!! As a photographer, I learned a photography apprentice, a photography teacher, a friend, and a child, and I remember… After the last day of darkest, which fortunately did not have a short time, he had never had amnesia and always got the phone with his first alarm, and not only knew immediately, but very warm and intimate. Dr. Shafaieh was a generation of avoid who had taken the photo… No one like them will ever emerge as easily… Any teaches…
Rasoul Oliaszadeh, photographer and former director of Iranian photographers house… He was a alchemist in photography, and was a land-up. He spent ten days of creating a photograph and made a photograph with a spiritual value, so that it was not in terms of material. Shafaieh was told about the first day of thereafter at the university: the day I was taught at the School of Fine Arts for the first time, we had a high intensity and had a passion for himself, alas that the contingencies of life prevented it from taking the certificate and the final degree of graduates of photography field to them.
Fakhreddin Fakhreddini, Veteran photographer… If he did not, the graduates of photography (in Iran) did not exist. “The Fakhreddini in this field has also stated,” He created an honest style in the “Portrait” technique, for example, “Raj Kapoor” was a photograph that was in the same way as the beauty of simplicity.
Deputy Minister of Art and Islamic guidance, Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini… The impact of Master Hadi Shafaieh, which is always seen in Iranian photography for the foundation of photography education and scientific look at the photography, is the Shafaieh of the photographic process. With the development of the future and efforts to educate the university’s photography, Shafaieh has developed a way to grow and develop photographic art that today has seen the impact of foresight and the compassionate service of this master of photography during the art of photography and photography education of Iran. In addition to the photos that he recorded with his gaze, a lasting and effective movement in the education of photography is established. The absence of Master Hadi Shafaieh is condolences to the photographic and art community of the country.
Director of Visual Arts, Hadi Mozafari… Iranian photography Shafaieh veteran had an effective role in the foundation of academic photography education and this movement helped to grow and develop photography and continuity of progress. Activity in the field of photography and creating the field of photography training Shafaieh The name of the Iranian photography. I would give condolences to the Shafaieh conductor. His spirit is happy and his soul.