● Birthplace: Kermanshah
He was born in a Yakhchali alley in Kermanshah in a family of Kurdish languages and familiar with music and poetry. He had a pleasant voice from his father and his mother, and he became familiar with his mother, his father, and his childhood, and he was the voice of the Iranian vocal, and he would have three blurry tones. His father took advantage of the temperature and its singers, especially Sheikh Davoodi, the great singer of the time, and also his son’s possession. This family, Master Parviz Khan Pournazeri, known as Haji Khan, was himself from the disciples of Darvish Khan and Colonel Vaziri. The majority of the musicians of Kermanshah have been familiar with the Iranian traditional notes and music. This appropriate artistic environment led to Shahram Nazeri, at the age of seven, the first art program in Kermanshah Radio along with Tar Darvishi, the famous musicians of the time of Kermanshah. After that, at the age of 11, he was also able to execute a few other Iranian songs on Iran’s Radio TV. He has always sought to enjoy various schools and masters. He was a member of the year 1966, to take advantage of the presence of masters such as: Abdollah davatii, Nurali Khan Boroumand, Abdolali Vaziri, Mahmoud Karimi, and Mohammad Reza Shajarian, and while benefiting from the presence of these masters, he also learned three of them with masters of Ahmad Ebadi, Jalal Zolfonoon, and Mahmoud Hashemi. Shahram Nazeri, for one year in Tabriz, with musicians and musicians of the Deyaar, such as Gholam Hossein Beigchehkhani, and Mahmoud farnam Gheytanchian, who had been from the Disciples Iqbal in the field of Iranian music. In 1975, according to Nurkhan Boroumand’s proposal, he was hired to employ radio Iran’s national television and his first program with the Randy Group, Mr. Lotfi, with Rumi Rumi and a song of Sheikh Bahaei. After that, he continued his work with Aref Ensemble, Hossein Alizadeh, and Parviz Meshkatian. In 1976, the first Iranian traditional music test was attended by a Barbad name and was able to achieve the first place in the field of singing in this test. In the year 1977, together with the Department of the ensemble, Asghar Bahari and Hassan Nahid, was selected for performing concert at the Toos Festival.
Master Shahram Nazeri, from 1978 to 1981, was singing in Caduceus albums at numbers 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in collaboration with Randy and Aref groups, the cultural and artistic center of Caduceus to the custody of Mohammad Reza Lotfi, Hossein Alizadeh, and Parviz Meshkatian. The caduceus of Mohammad Reza Lotfi and under the viewpoint of H. Alef Sayeh (Hushang Ebtehaj) was the foundation and since the Kanun was working at the time of the revolution, most of the albums of Caduceus were epic and revolutionary. Some of Caduceus’s albums, including Caduceus 2, is the first album with Shahram Nazeri, a shared album between Nazeri and Mohammad Reza Shajarian, and in those two artists have implemented many revolutionary chants. Caduceus 2 includes two famous night-rolled anthem and teenage brother, with the voice of Shajarian and the release of the time he was a voice of the observer. Father’s famous ballad, the effect of Mohammad Reza Lotfi, was implemented in Caduceus 4 to convey a sense of a great individual’s loss. Masterr Shahram Nazeri, the album of Moses and pastors, with the cooperation of Jalal Zolfonoon and Behzad Forouhari, collaborated with the musicians of the Center for the preservation and dissemination of traditional Iranian music and the Rumi group, with the cooperation of Mohammad Jalil Endalibi, the album of the Love Speech with the group of Tanboor Shams and Laleh Bahar Co. The Orff was taken to Parviz Meshkatian.
In 1981 to 1985, he was interested in various ways of teaching music and vocal tiers. During this period of winter works, hear from Straw and a whisper. Since 1985, collaboration with Iranian music groups made beautiful works to the mystical and original Iranian music market, which is one of the most brilliant of these works: Shoorangiz by Hossein Alizadeh, Golbarg and fire in Nistan with the cooperation of Jalal Zolfonoon, Yadegar-e doost and Saghi Nameh 1 and Butler Letter 2 named Kambiz Roshan. In this years, it has been implemented and published by the Iranian music masters Endalibi in collaboration with Jalil Payvar, as well as in collaboration with Iran’s music masters group. It is necessary to mention the flower of the Sadberg, the most famous work of Shahram Nazeri and many people know the observer with a slight ballad of Rumi’s poetry performed on the album.
In the Seventies solar year, Shahram Nazeri has implemented many works, including Tanboor, a Nowruz album with Hossein Alizadeh, with the keikhosrow of Shams Ensemble, with the song of a Pournazeri and a Randy heart with the song of Faramarz Payvar. A partnership with the Kamkars has also led to the creation of two lasting effects called the Kamkars 76 concert and the 77 concert. With the release of two albums of the new instrument of singing and traveling to the other hand, he reveals his new path of music that the journey to another side of his musical doctrine knows. Shahram Nazeri, in the Eighties, paid to research and routing for the New music array. The research on the implementation of the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi and the Molavi project in Rumi’s world year is his activities in these years. In these years, he published several other albums, including the Writings of Mythology, Lilly, Insane, Lolian, Moloye (Roman Passion) and the travel of the sentence.
In 2011, he published a music album by Amir Kabir, Pejman Taheri, who poems the lyrics of the new form. After six years of delay, Shahram Nazeri and Loris Chuktian’s concert was published. This work is related to the implementation of the Great Orchestra of Komitas Armenian, led by Masterloris Chkalian, in 2005, most of its parts in the Kurdish language (the mother tongue of Shahram Nazeri). Of course, in this work, 4 Persian language is also called: Saddle two thousands of my and us, I got Randy, singing along with harp and water love life has been implemented. Most parts of the album have been implemented in other works of the Nazeri, along with Iranian patriotic instruments, and in this work in the form of orchestral music with Western instruments. The album of a Kaviani, Kaveh Ahangar, to the building of Farid and the implementation of the Ferdowsi group, which will soon be published to the Shahnameh is the effect of Hakim Abolghasem Ferdowsi and the like Most of the works are Shahram Nazeri Tanboor-centered.
From his concerts in the year 2014, the concert with the Ferdowsi group in Kermanshah, which carried out many Kurdish parts, but after the end of the concert, some media in the implementation of Kurdish parts, especially the piece that I was Persian, I do not know. He was called the unity and solidarity of the Iranian Iranians. In response to these, he said: “These stigma do not stick to me, I am a child who does not know Persian.” But in Kurdish, my life is my sacrifice for the Persian language, in fact, this poem is against ethnicity and says, ‘ I have sacrificed that you are the Persian.
Master Nazeri is a reader that has been inrepeatable in his work and has always tried to create a new attitude and experience in singing and music. He has used rhythmic and special sanctions from the final years of the Seventies in his work, including these works are the albums of the new instrument of singing, traveling to the other hand, Lolian and Moloyeh (the Roman Passion). About thirty years ago, Dr. Dariush Safvat, the founder of the Center for the dissemination and preservation of traditional music, detected the value of the observer in its epic features and described that: “There is a special sense of the” in the voice of the observer, and there are certain teeth and adons that give it an epic feeling. ” The epic tune of the centuries ago existed in an Iranian vocal, but it has been trimmed and gradually gone because of historical issues. ” His master Shahram Nazeri says, “an epic move is in the run and read, and it’s melts for the Kurdish culture.” Shahram Nazeri has been the leading poems of all readers in the implementation of Rumi. The album of Masnavi Moses and pastors and the voice of Love speak a new approach to music and mystical poetry, which has been in the final years of the Fifties and the early 1980s. Also, in 1985, on the occasion of Rumi’s birthday, two hundred-leaf and Yadegar-like flowers released. As one of the best-selling works of music, the Yadegar-like effect was the first Iranian symphony and the flower of the leaves, both revolutionary in Iranian traditional music. This memorial, once again, was repeated two decades later for the Rumi’s commemoration. The other notable works on Rumi’s poems can be found in the album: Molyeh, which is known outside Iran with the name of Roman passion, also pointed out that the nomination of the United States Grammy Award was 2007 by 2007 solar year. Dpak Chopra, the Indian-American philosopher of origin, is also present in the album. Boston Globe and Los Angeles Times the US edition, in a report titled: Rumi’s poem On the Move, explores the efforts of Shahram and Hafez Nazeri to keep the poems alive.
A prominent feature of his own readers is his SAR attention to myths, research and searches about the missing epic tone of the Iranian singing. The Observer has albums and performances from the Shahnameh and Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. He was the first singer to read in the Shahnameh, a few years old, and in America, France, and Tunisia, the scene of Shahnameh. Ostad Nazeri offers the Shahnameh in three platforms: the Shahnameh and its presentation with the Iranian music, from the intellectual atmosphere and Persian powers. This type is in the Carthage Academy of Tunisia, a historic city with a history of 4 thousand years old and has also been implemented at the San Isoflurane French festival. A Shahnameh with a large theological orchestra based on instrumental music. In this section, an observer with a silent Keyvan, has worked on a Shahnameh. The third impression of the Shahnameh, with the Group International in New York, is accompanied by Hafez Nazeri, whose sample was implemented in the year 2010 in Carnegie Hall of New York. He has paved the way for the Shahnameh to read young singers, he said. From albums that have been implemented based on Shahnameh lyrics It is possible to make album: Derafsh Kaviani & Kaveh Ahangar.
He donated all of his income in 2013 to the victims of the 1988, in the harm of Piran Shahr, Shane Abad, and the destitute patients of cancer, and he put the amount of a hundred million Tomans for charity. He has benefited in most of his works from poems, and over 30 years of artistic work, has created a new style of music that mixed into the epic and mystical literature of Iran. In addition to taking advantage of Rumi’s poems, it has also been the leading use of the contemporary Persian poetry on Iranian traditional music. In addition, Shahram Nazeri is the first of those who carried out the poems of Ferdowsi’s poetry by using his own music. He has published more than 40 music albums. From the beginning of the fifties in the country’s level, he became an artist, and his first album was published to image albums with Mohammad Reza Shajarian with the patriotic and concepts content such as freedom of the late 1970s by the Caduceus Center and from the works of Caduceus, the Ballad of : Iran Omid, movement Mohammad Reza Lotfi on a poem from the Shadow, which was read by both Shajarian and Nazeri, and the effect of the title: freedom, with the voice of the observer and the dear, with the voices of Shajarian, reached a high reputation at the national and national level. The artists who had come to the Caduceus club, such as Shajarian, the Kamkars, Sedigh Tarif, Mohammad Reza Lotfi, Hossein Alizadeh, and others, were transformed into the most prominent Iranian music figures in the second of the century. After the end of the work of the Caduceus Center, in the 1980s, he paid a lot with the poems of Rumi, Jalal al-Din Balkhi, and the first reader to pay attention to Rumi’s poetry, and from there, the album: The Flower of the leaves was high reputation and popularity. At the beginning of the Seventies, Shahram Nazeri’s collaboration with his cousin Keikhosrow Pournazeri led to the creation of many works with the Tanboor, and the of Iranian musicians who had previously remained unknown among Iranians was known. From the effects of this period, the Mahtab ballad found a special reputation.
Among the most famous ballad of Shahram Nazeri, the Ballad of Rumi’s poetry: A Little little poem in a flower album, ballad, Fire in Nistan, with a poetry of the name of Majzoob Tabrizi in an album, the Caravan of Shahid Lotfi, with the song of his own poetry, the ballad. : Moonlight, in an album to the same name, and his patriotic and Iranian-friendly ballad, such as Anthem: Iran, Caduceus pointed out the works of the Kanun. Also, works that have been Kurdish Kermanshahani in his mother tongue, a special continuum language (in the south). Master Shahram Nazeri has Kermanshahani in Persian and English languages (specific continuum of Persian) and Kurdish Kermanshahani, and the power of speaking and singing in him is indisputable and evident. One of the most famous works of Kermanshahani Nazeri is the old ballad: Kaboki, Shirin Shirin, and Wakran Vaneh pointed out that he was readout.
In the year 2007, the French government demonstrated the Legion of Honour and in 2014, the National Knights of Merit in France. The New York Times dubbed him: the Persian Bolano and his Christian Science Monitor he was called the Luciano Pavarotti of Iran.
International Performances
Master Nazeri has implemented the world in large halls and festivals, programmes and concerts. X-It – Provence Music Festival, Festival D’Avignon, Paris, Festival, Summer Tokyo, Dolby Theatre Hall, Los Angeles, Royal Albert Hall, Del Pupolo Festival in Italy, the Lebanese Philharmonic Festival, the Berlin International Orchestra, the Asian Society of Music Institute Brooklyn, the BAM Music Academy of New York, the European festival in Rome, Italy, São Paulo music Festival and the Moroccan Music festival and run in the cities of Venice, Barcelona, Madrid, Geneva, Brussels, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen are among the biggest global performances of the Nazeri.
1975 – Konkurz Folk Music Award
1997 – Receiving the “Best Sufi Music” award in the Moroccan festival-after receiving this award, the American press Luciano the title of Iran.
2006 – Receive a special prize for the city of Irvine California to expand the spiritual message of Rumi and peace through the language of music
2007 – Receiving the badge of the Double-light Legion by the French government
2007 – Receiving the show of the Knights and artists from the French government-this show is the highest cultural show of France and it is a letter to the French government to artists who have a special effort to promote culture and art.
2007 – Get the title of Asia’s top artist on behalf of the Asia-US convention at the UN Secretary-General ban on the United Nations, a special appreciation of Shahram Nazeri.
– Receiving live Myth award from UCLA
2007 – Receipt of the Golden Court of Rumi’s Essien Chalabi, the Nvadhhay of Rumi in Konya, Turkey and selected as president of Rumi Research Center of the University of Sljuq in Iran
2007 – Receiving the golden key of Khoy and tomb of Shams in Shams Tabrizi International Festival
-Receiving a appreciation letter from the California city municipality to pass appreciation of the efforts of Shahram Nazeri in promoting the spiritual message of peace in the form of Rumi and poems
2006 – The naming of the Council of the city and the mayor of San Diego in the geographical scope of San Diego, in a short time after this name, the U.S. Congress appreciated the appreciation of his plaque.
-Awarded by Harvard University due to effective role of Nazeri in the introduction of Rumi to the Western world and innovation in Iranian music and attracting Western audiences.
Year album name of the Run/Publish/Instrument track/Musicians/Group Reader/Publisher/Description
1978 – Caduceus 2 – Mohammad Reza Lotfi – Sheyda ensemble: Mohammadreza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri Caduceus, the first effect with Shahram Nazeri-with the content associated with the revolution 1978 of Iran, includes two cantata: The night of the younger brother, the voice of Shajarian and freedom: The time that Benabel, with a voice of Nazeri
1978 – Caduceus 3 – Mohammad Reza Lotfi – Hossein Alizadeh-Sheyda ensemble: Mohammadreza Shajarian, Bijan Kamkar, Shahram Nazeri-Caduceus Center-with the content of the revolution of Iran 1978, in the album of the lyrics: H. A. Sayeh, Javad Azar, Siavash Kasraie, Abolghasem Barhashi, Mohammad Farrokhi Yazdi, Hamid Hamzeh, and Amir Bergheshi have been used. This is an epic and revolutionary collection.
1978 – Caduceus 4 – Mohammad Reza Lotfi – Parviz Meshkatian-Sheyda and Aref groups: Hengameh Akhavan, Shahram nazeri-Caduceus Center-the impact of Iran’s conditions on the 1978 revolution, including the famous ballad: Father, the effect of Mohammad Reza Lotfi, remembering Ayatollah Taleghani
1979 – Caduceus 7 – Mohammad Reza Lotfi – Parviz Meshkatian, Houshang Kamkar, Hossein Alizadeh-Sheyda and Aref groups: Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri-Caduceus Center-on the occasion of the anniversary of Revolution 1978, contains famous ballad such as: Iran a joint House of Hope and common combat with Mohammad Reza Shajarian and Sing Hamvatan by Shahram Nazeri
1978 – 1980 – Caduceus 8 – Mohammadreza Lotfi – Sheyda Ensemble: Shahram Nazeri, Sima Bina – caduceus Cultural and Artistic Institute-a memorable ballad: Caravan martyr
1979 – Masnavi Moses and pastors – Jalal Zolfonoon – Jalal Zolfonoon, Behzad Forouhari-Electronic Co.-Spoken poems: Mohammad Hooman, vocal nazeri, with three zolfonoon and hospitality-Frhari.
1979 – The Voice of love speech – Keikhosrow Pournazeri – Tanboor Shams group Persian and Kurdish poems based on the hospitality Tanboor
1981 – The marshmallow comes – Jalal Zolfonoon-Poems from Rumi, Saadi Shirazi, Hafez Shirazi and Fakhroddin Araghi
1981 – Hear from straw run – Fereydoon Shahbazian – noif-run early 60, release year 2000-Rumi lyrics
1981 – Goltab – Jalal Zolfonoon, Reza Ghasemi – based on Setar, musicians: Jalal Zolfonoon, Reza Ghasemi, Mohammad Hassan Mahdian, Kaveh Deliazar, Amir Hushang Ardalan (Setar), Bijan Kamkar (DAF), including the most famous effect of Shahram Nazeri (a little little ballad-Rumi poetry)
1981 – Laleh Bahar – Parviz Meshkatian – Aref Group was executed in 1983 year and published in 1986, poems from: Rumi, Malik-e Bahar, Shahriar, and… Shadow
1983 – Norooz – Hossein Alizadeh – Hassan Kasaii – Woralel, published in the European City of Cologne, Germany, in the spring of 1990, Persian and Kurdish poems of Kermanshahi, Persian poems: Hafez Shirazi, Saadi Shirazi, Rabea Ghazadari, Ferdowsi and Babataher
1981 – Rokhrokh – Mohammad Jalil Endalibi – Rumi ensemble-poems from Rumi and Saadi Shirazi
1984 – Yadegar-ye Doost – Kambiz Roshan Ravan – Khosh Nova-the implementation of Symphony Orchestra, single Tonbak: Mojtaba Mirzadeh, Mohammad Kiani Nezhad and Hamid Motebassem, the album has been made by Abdollah Aghazadeh.
1985 – Baharan Abidar – Houshang Kamkar – Tehran Symphony Orchestra: Bijan Kamkar, Shahram nazeri-Local poems Kurdish, Hafez Shirazi and Ali Akbar Sheyda-run by: The Kamkars group, local lyrics Kurdish by setting Abbas Kamvandi, run by: Tehran Symphony Orchestra
1986 – Kish Mehr – Mohammad Jalil Endalibi – poems from Allameh Tabatabaei, Sheikh Bahaei, Molana, Saadi Shirazi and Hafez Shirazi
1987 – Restless – Mohammad Jalil Endalibi Rumi Group
1987 – The Winter – Mohammad Reza Darvishi-the winter poetry implementation of the most famous of Mehdi Akhavan sales
1987 – In Golestane – Houshang Kamkar-run in winter of 1988, sixtieth in the occasion of the birthday of Sohrab Sepehri, with Ahmadreza Ahmadi and collaboration of the choir-anthem Center-poems by Sohrab Sepehri
1988 – Shoorangiz – Hossein Alizadeh – Aref and Sheyda groups-Mahoor Cultural Institute-lyrics: Hafez Shirazi, Rumi and Nizami Ganjavi–in the singing Bayat Turk and Shur
1988 – Saghi Nameh 1 – kambiz Roshan Ravan-Other names: Sute Dlan and Sooteh Nameh
1988 – Butler Nameh 2 – kambiz Roshan Ravan-Other name: Morning Nasim
1988 – Fire in Nistan – Jalal Zolfonoon – Based on the Setar and the famous ballad of a great song: Fire in Niestan, the result of the song of Shahram Nazeri on a poem of the fascinated Shah
1988 – Delam Sheyda – Faramarz Payvar – Orchestra Group, Iranian Music Masters Group -implementation in 1988, release in winter 1992 -in Isfahan machine
1988 – Fresh – Mahdi Azarin-Hymns from Rumi and Hafez Shirazi
1989 – Music Masters Concert – Faramarz Payvar Iranian Music Masters Group – Poems by: Hakim Omar Khayyam, Saadi Shirazi, Molana, Hafez Shirazi, Aref Qazvini, Sheikh Bahaei and local songs, Moghador ballad تمنای vesal from Abolhassan Saba
1989 – Other concert – Dariush Talayi – Bijan Kamkar, Dariush Talaei-date of execution 1989, published in the history of 1992, execution in Afshari and Mahoor, singing in the Setar of Dariush Talaei and Tonbak and the hospitality of Bijan Kamkar
1989 – Lily And Demented – faramarz Payvar-Iranian music masters group -recording in 1989 and published in 2002, poetry from: Rumi, Hafez, Aref Qazvini
1991 – Look Forward to May – Ata Jangak-Shahrashoob Group-poems by Hafez Shirazi, Abu Sa’id Abu’l-Khayr, Nima Yooshij, Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani,, and. Shadow
1992 – Mahtabroo – Keikhosrow Pournazeri-Tanboor Shams group-singing Bistoon based on the hospitality of Tanboor and the famous ballad: Morab Mahtab Roo
1996 – Astonishment – Keikhosrow Pournazeri-Shams ensemble-vocal and song part of the album in Persian language and its other part in the mother language of Shahram Nazeri is Kermanshahi, based on Tanboor, poems, Sijzi Abolno and Rumi.
1997 – The Kamkars Concert – The Kamkars-all of them were executed 76 in Kurdish.
1998 – New Instrument Singing – Hamid Motebassem-Dastan Ensemble-members of Dastan ensemble at the time: Hossein Behroozi Nia, Pejman Haddadi, Hamid Motebassem, and Ardeshir Kamkar were.
1998 – 1998 – Concert – The Kamkars -lyrics and songs of Kurdish and Farsi-run in commemoration of Hafiz Day, on September 11, 1998, with the cooperation of the Kamkars in Shiraz-poems from Rumi and Hafez Shirazi, the CD version of this work is also included in the Kurdish parts.
1998 – The Journey to Another Side – Dastan-Soroush Memorial Shams Tabrizi-recording the implementation of Live Washington 1998, poems from Rumi, musicians: Hamid Motebassem and Kayhan Kalhor (Setar), Pejman Haddadi (Daff and Tonbak) and Hossein Behroozi Nia (Borbat)
2000 – Song of Mythology – Alireza Feizabadi – Hafez Nazeri-Other names: Shahnameh Kurdish and the songs of the Sassanid, Daff & Hol: Hafez-Nazeri and tanboor musician: Alireza Feizabadi
2001 – Shahram Nazeri and Dastan – Ensemble-dastan ensemble-long Dinians-the implementation of Rumi’s poems and local Kurdish poetry, this work has not been published in Iran, it is also known as a drunken health, in addition to singing, Shahram Nazeri has also held a high-def hospitality.
2003 – The Beautiful Sadness – Masoud Shenasa-Poems from Rumi, Saadi Shirazi, Hafez Shirazi and Hassan Ghaznavi, this work was to be published with the name of Maswade.
2003 – Twenty years with works of Parviz Meshkatian – Parviz Meshkatian-aref Ensemble: Shahram Nazeri, Ali Rostamian, Hamidreza Nourbakhsh and Alireza Eftekhari-four garden Bang-out 3 albums of 20 years with the works of Parviz Meshkatian, the songs made by the Meshkatian, who run with different singers and in each K has used these 3 albums from multi-reader performances. In this series, works of vocalists such as: Master Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri and Iraj Bastami, in this album, Shahram Nazeri has read the only popular ballad of my Hometown (the poetry of Azarmehr.)
2005 – Lolian – Hamid Motebassem – Dastan Ensemble-in Dashti, musicians: Saeed Farajpouri, Hossein Behroozi-nia, Pejman Haddadi, Behnam Samani and Hamid Motebassem
2006 – 20 years with works by Parviz Meshkatian 2 – Parviz Meshkatian-aref Ensemble: Shahram Nazeri, Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Iraj Bastami, Ali Rostamian and Hamidreza Nourbakhsh-four of the Bang Gardens-collection of 3 albums-20 years with the works of Parviz Meshkatian, including the songs made by Meshkatian And in each of these three albums has used multi-reader performances. In this series, works of vocalists such as: Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Shahram Nazeri and Iraj Bastami, are in this album from the performances of the Laleh spring and I love that they have already published in the Tulip album of Spring.
2007 – Moloye (A Roman Passion) – Regulator: Hafez Nazeri-This was the candidate for the US Grammy Award for the year 2007 – Poems from Rumi except the ballad of a man who was a poem by Shahram Nazeri (the poetry of a randy ballad, I made a mistake to Rumi, but I found this poem (starting) from Is a observer.
2009 – The journey of the Unsirte – Farrokhzad Layegh – This work has been published in France and by name: The Book of Austerity-poems by: Mehdi Akhavan Sales, Ahmad Shamloo, Shafiee Kadkani, and E. A. Shadow
2011 – Amir Kabir – Pejman Taheri – Barbad, a live performance in the city of Gorgan in 2010 and published in the year 2011 – Including ballad: Cry, the effect of Aref Qazvini, poems by: Mehdi Akhavan Sales, Fereidoun Moshiri, Aref Qazvini, and… Shadow
2011 – Shahram Nazeri and Loris Chankalian – Great Orchestra of Komitas, Armenia-Barbad, the Great Orchestra of Komitas, Armenia, led by Maysterand Loris Chkengian, in 2005 and publishing in 2011, in this run, more songs in the mother tongue Shahram Nazeri, Kurdish language is Kermanshahi, edge A variety of Persian parts of the Life of Love (Rumi’s poem), saddle two thousands of me and US (Rumi poetry) and I became Randy (poetry of Shahram Nazeri).
2013 – Then 11th – Hafez Nazeri – Shahram Nazeri and Hafez Nazeri-Part 1 of Rumi Symphony of movement Hafez Nazeri (son of Shahram Nazeri)-the second best-selling World album in the same year release-unveiling of the evolved and innovative Setar of Hafiz
2014 – Tanboor, Kaveh Ahangar – Farid Inspirational-Ferdowsi Group-the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi Derafsh Kaviani & Kaveh Ahangar
2015 – Rqasaneh-Hossein Paravinia – Shahram Nazeri, was published by the Institute of Soroush.
Published in Europe
– Homage to Rumi-Shahram Nazeri and Dastan Ensemble-pieces of this album are the same pieces of new instrument albums and traveling to other sides.
– Reading combination-is not recorded due to a lack of permission.
– Afshari Concert
– Zagros – Composer: Arsalan Kamkar
– Shahram Nazeri and Aref Ensemble concert-instrument track and supervisor Group: Parviz Meshkatian-Video album-run in the Ministry of Interior in the year 2004 -was not published due to a lack of permission.
– Smoke Debs
– The commemoration of Nima Yooshij-run in Mazandaran
The message of condolences by Ostad Nazeri for the passing of Mohammad Reza Lotfi
After publishing the message from the death of Mr. Lotfi, from Iran’s songs and masters, Shahram Nazeri published the message of his condolences: again, another flagships of Iranian traditional music, the world of the foundation said goodbye. The lack of the distinguished musician of Ostad Mohammad Reza Lotfi is an irreparable remedy for the Iranian cultural society. I would give my condolences to the family of this master and a colleague with the old value of the Iranian respected and Honardoost society.