● Birthplace: Tabriz
● Died: 13 September 1988 in Tehran
Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Behjat Tabrizi, surnamed Shahriar, was born in Tabriz. He spent his childhood in the villages of Qayshaq, Khashgab and Bostanabad due to the outbreak of the disease in the city. His father, Haj Miragha Behjat Tabrizi (Haj Mir Agha Khoshgenabi), was a lawyer in Tabriz. “My birth is not known, but it is late 24 or early 25 lunar,” said Master Shahriar. In 1923, the Bureau of Statistics was formed in Tehran. That day, it would not be possible to research a lunar year with a solar, which is exactly 25 solar lunar years. Later we found out it was 1285 and I got 83 when it was 85. In particular, it would take us more than two years to be able to run. Since Shahriar’s childhood coincided with the Tabriz revolution against the tyrannical rule of Mohammad Ali Shah and the favor of the constitution, clashes took place in Tabriz. Master Shahriar’s father sent his son to his hometown with his mother and other family members to save his family’s life. Thus, the prince spent most of his childhood in the villages of Shangoul Abad, Qeishi Qorshagh, and Khoshgenab. He began his elementary education with the reading of Sa’adi Golestan and the Nassab al – Sabian in his home school of the village, or with his wise father. “My first teacher and mentor was my father,” says master and prince. He was a very enlightened student … who had gone to Najaf and had ijtihad. After completing his studies in Tabriz, Shahriar left for Tabriz in 2009 to continue his studies and went on to study at Dar al-Fonoon School until 9 and later in medicine. About six months before receiving his doctorate, he dropped out of school due to a failing love affair and other developments. After a four-year trip to Khorasan, the Shahriar returned to Tehran to work at the Mashhad and Neyshabur Records Office. He published his first book of poetry in the year 5, with the introduction of Malek al-Shaarai Bahar, Saeed Nafisi and Pejman Bakhtiari. In the year that Shahriar was in Khorasan, his father, Haj Miragha, died. Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Shahriar completed his secondary education at United and Fuwaizat schools after completing his primary education. He then went to Tehran in 1921 to pursue his education in Dar al-Fonoon and entered the School of Medicine in 1924, after five years of study in medicine, one year before receiving a doctorate in medicine for special psychological training. Had found, generally abandoned the medical field. Studying in this field did not conform to Shahriar’s spirit. “After every surgery I was doing, I felt weak and broke,” he says. After graduating from medicine, Shahriar was employed in Tehran Document Registration Office in 1931 and later transferred to Neyshabur and from there to Mashhad and remained in Khorasan until 1935. He then returned to Tehran, this time working at the Agricultural Bank, returning to his hometown of Tabriz in 1953, and married just a year later, the result of which was the marriage of three children, Shahrzad, Maryam and Hadi. Is. After that, Shahriar’s master came to Tehran many times to invite his friends, but he never refused to stay in the city permanently.
Tabriz University called Shahriar one of the guardians of poetry and homeland literature and awarded him the honorary doctorate of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities in Tabriz. In the years 1 to 5 of his famous work: Heiydar Baba Salam. Her mother died on July 6. He came to Tabriz in August 2008 and married a relative named Azizah Abdul Khaleghi, who had three children, two daughters, Shahrzad and Maryam, and one son, Hadi. Master Shahriar’s grandchildren, according to his will, was buried in the tomb of the city’s al-Sha’ar. Shahrivar has been named Persian Poetry and Literature Day. The appendix of this name is the anniversary of the death of Shahriar.
As the disease worsens, when Master Shahriar loses hope for recovery, he tells his friends: “I’ve lived for over eighty years. I have relics and children that are the remnants of my healing … My desire is that after my death if they want to bury me in Tehran, they will bury me next to the holy shrine of Prophet Abdul Azim and if they want to bury me in my homeland or in my skirt Mount Haidar Baba, which I loved so much, or buried in tomb of Tabriz Maqbarat-o-Shoara in Sorakhab. Eventually, after this boredom, he was hospitalized on December 20, 1976. In spite of the temporary treatment, on Saturday, September 26, 1988, the prince of poetry and etiquette joined eternity, and was buried on Monday, September 28, in the tomb of Tabriz Maqbarat-o-Shoara in Tabriz.
Artistic Name Shahriar
In the early poetry, Master Mohammad Hussein Behjat Tabrizi used the term “Behjat” in his poems. One day he is thinking of choosing a new poem. Since he has a special devotion to Hafiz Shirin from her childhood, he solicits him in this work. After donating Hamad and a surah to the eunuch of Shiraz, he goes to his court, and this statement appears in front of his eyes: “that the state coin wheel was named Shahriaran”. Seyyed Mohammad Hossein interrupts his visit to this eyebrow and says to Khaje Shiraz: “If you didn’t know, I would say you are kidding me. This hat is too cold for you! Where is a young poet like me and where is a man like Shahriar? ”Then he goes to the court again after repeating the praise and sura Tafal. This time it also comes to me: “To Rome my city and my Shahriar”. Shahriar smiles and says, “Thanks to what you think, what you say”! Since that time, Master Mohammad Hossein Behjat Tabrizi has chosen Shahriar for himself.
The most important work of Shahriar is the poem of Heiydar Baba Salam, or Hello to Heiydar Baba, which is one of the masterpieces of Azeri – Turkish literature in which the poet has mentioned the authenticity and beauty of the village. The collection is among modern poems and has been translated into more than 5 living languages around the world. Shahriar has also been proficient in composing various types of Persian poetry, such as Balladry, Masnavi, Lyric poems, Pieces, Quatrains and Nimayi’s poems.. But more than any other species, he was well-known in sonnets, and his famous sonnets can be attributed to Ali al-Hama’a and my sacrifice. Shahriar was especially devoted to Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) and was also very fond of Hafiz. Shahriar’s television series, directed by Kamal Tabrizi in 2007, features images of the poet’s life and was aired on Sima’s Second Channel during the protest of Shahriar’s daughter, Maryam Behjat Tabrizi. Ninety percent of Shahriar’s serial is fictitious, but the son of Shahriar Hadi Behjat Tabrizi believes: The series had no problems at all, and it is open to the artist to make changes to make the collection appealing to the audience.
Many of his poems in Persian and Azerbaijani Turkish are among the lasting works of these languages. The Haidarbaba Salam poem, compiled in the years 4-5, is considered one of the most important literary works of Azerbaijani Turkish language. In addition to being a master of poetry, he was also a master of tri-string. Shahriar in his three-volume court, referring to Azerbaijan as the origin of the Prophet Zarathustra, points to the Aryan origin of the people in this region and warns against the dissemination of divisive words that smell threatening and disintegrating from them:
You have expressed your heartache with your heart language, but who is the heart of the heart to be familiar with that language
But they made enemies, did not make Marjan friend from Iran the victim of the enemy
You are the homeland of Zoroastrianism and your children are Poor Iran and the pure Aryan race
The difference of nationality accent should not, however, be reminiscent of a nation with a lesser language.