● Birthplace: Tehran
Fatemeh Ghasemnia Hamedani or Shokoh Ghasem Nia, has a bachelor’s degree in political science and was interested in that field. In 1979, for entertainment in a floor of personal home, a private nursery was set up and a limited number of children in the age group of three to five years, in this cradle, called Ammeh Joun. They would tell the poem that they would make a story and that they became familiar with their world. She was already interested in adult literature and had studies in this field. To get acquainted with children, follow him to the New world of literature. In the same year, the first seminar of child literature in the Center for Intellectual Development of children and adolescents was formed. She was planning to use the children of kindergarten and attend with children’s poets such as: Rahmandoost and Nikkhah Azzad and… she met and presented his works to them. Thus, the head of The Kayhan Of The Children Magazine and took responsibility for the poetry page. The nursery was forced to shut down, and the next year, Shaparak added the pages to Kayhan Newspapaer, which were seriously and completely allocated to the age group of children and Young. At first I wrote all the contents of this section alone, but later found a partners, and the result was better working and lasting until today. After that, there were various activities in the field of poetry, tales and songs, which resulted in more than 40 books for children and about 300 songs for this age group, which has been associated with 12 awards. After establishing the publication of the art and literature institution, the plan for the Early Childhood journal was carried out in mind. Editorial took the magazine that the GLTC had called for itself, and enjoyed the fact that she worked in the age group. From that publication, work was presented to achieve good rates, but for some reason it was separated from that group. In addition to the responsibility Of The Council Of Kayhan Of The Children Magazine, he also joined the editorial board Of this magazine. Editorial of the Shaparak and Golak magazine, education and literary service of the newspaper (Sunflower) Aftabgardan, a member of the board of publication of art and literature and membership of the Poetry center of the Kanun, has been among his responsibilities. She is also the owner and director of the Shetab literary magazine.
At the time when a member Of the editorial board Kayhan Of The Children Magazine, with the second member Of the Council, Mr. Ahmad Gholami, who is a novelist and a journalist, is married to two girls. After the first child’s birth, the social activities were set out of the house as possible, but there was a lot of custom and non-custom work in the house so that the order was accepted on the first Persian textbooks and his works were included in textbooks. She is more known as a poet to be a novelist. However, two-thirds of his books are stories, and among his poems, the sheer poem and the poetry of the Poetry Story of both the eyes and the first book of his poetry, like a Little Flower, was published by the art and literature institution in 1987, including ten poems Be.
About 60% of the books Ghasem Nia, and his first independent book was also a story with the name of the hen Fox, which was published in the year 1986. His songs can be Neighborhood House Health TV programs, Ali Little, Litle Sparrow Ashi Mashi, Uncle Porang, and six children’s cinematic films.
Shokoh Ghasem Nia can be considered among the few authors, despite the ability and technical knowledge, to oppose and defy the convention of Child Literature and has a deliberate form of popular books. The reason for this tendency cannot be considered only economically and she preferred the writing of these books on festival-friendly books and critic. From his works can be a four-cutaneous collection: Small Tales for little kids, a tale to honey pastry, a sound book for first-grade elementary, Fresher than Rose water (the story of Imam Reza’s life), the scent of orange, like a little flower, a feather crow, buff stories, LaLaLaLa , Flowers of stock, Fesgholi, Aunt-padded, Shabi Bibi (novels), Hasani-Class, Hasani-E-Chick, Hassani one knows, I am a Tale of Tales, sweet Tales of a Thousand and one night, a teeny aunt and a magic spoon, a demon and fairy tale, a cat with a mouse tail and several other work.
The book of a story to his honey sweets a golden plaque, honored by the Seventh Festival of Child and Adolescent books in the year 1997 and ranked the selected books of Astan Quds Razavi. His book of Survival was the winner of the first festival of Child and Adolescent book in 1989. Also, the book of the GLTC, the eighth year of the Ministry of Guidance, won the 8th year of 1990 and won the golden plaque of the second book Festival. The book The Size of Her World as well as the Diploma of Honor of the France’s image biennial.